Evergreen Outreach Committee Meeting
August 1, 2018 2 p.m. Eastern, 11 a.m. Pacific
- Evergreen logo
- Kathy has forwarded along information about the logo to the EOB. The EOB would need to approve adopting it as the new official round logo before we use it
- Amy is checking with the Conservancy again regarding payment to the logo designer. We should have signed a contract with the designer first saying that the Evergreen project owns the work, and we haven't heard back from the Conservancy yet on what our next steps should be.
- ALA Annual Program
- About 18 people attended our panel discussion on the multiple options available for supporting an open-source ILS. Although some of the attendees were current or former members of the community, a majority of people were not from the Evergreen community. We also handed out pens and annual reports to the attendees. Amy noted that representatives from Above the Treeline (Edelweiss) were also there and were very complimentary about their experience with Evergreen.
- Outreach Committee charge to support and encourage community participation
- Andrea Neiman has joined the Outreach Committee, and Kathy asked if she could help with our fairly new charge to support and encourage community participation. We discussed the idea of having a low-overhead program of regularly providing a shout-out to those who help out in the community. We agreed that it would be good to acknowledge contributors outside of the conference since there are people who contribute but never make it to the conference. Andrea agreed to work with this idea over the next month to come up with a more fleshed-out proposal.
- Open Discussion. We came up with some new ideas to work on over the next year.
- The web site does not have much information for those who are new to Evergreen and what to find more information about it. The group agreed that the first page should have more information for new users since existing community members can more easily navigate their way to downloads or to documentation. We don't think the existing WordPress theme lends itself well to highlighting marketing information on the front page. However, a large web site overhaul would be time consuming. It might be better to replace one of the large buttons on the front page with a "Welcome" button that is used to provide information for new and potential users, to talk about open source, and to maybe supply spotlight stories. We will begin by brainstorming ideas of what we want to see on the web site for new users before deciding what direction to take with this project.
- We would like to more fully flesh out the "I am Evergreen" idea that came up during the 2016 hack-a-way. While working on a central message for Outreach, the "I am Evergreen" tagline arose. It could be used to articulate how Evergreen is a community of us and rather than an adversarial vendor/client relationship. You could use it to convey how Evergreen can be customized to meet the needs of your particular library. We would like to come up with ideas for using this tagline in time to recruit community members at the next conference to make "I am Evergreen" videos.
- Spotlight stories - These would be two-to-three-minute video testimonials from people about their Evergreen experience. They should come from all levels, and they could fit with the "I am Evergreen" theme.
- Companion video piece - This could go with the spotlight videos and provide a large-scale overview of what open-source means to the project, who is using it, etc. It's a big picture of what Evergreen is, whereas the testimonials are various small pictures from the project.
- Next meeting
- September 5, 2018, 2 p.m. Eastern, 11 a.m. Pacific.
outreach/meetings/2018-08-01.txt · Last modified: 2022/02/10 13:34 by