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Evergreen Outreach Committee Meeting Agenda

March 1, 2017 2 p.m. Eastern, 11 a.m. Pacific

Annual report

  • Paper and binding options - Grace received 2 samples and shared them with people at the developer hack-a-way in November. One sample was a saddle stitch using glossy paper. The second sample had coil binding with a thicker cardstock. The consensus was to use saddle stitch, mainly due to concerns that the coil binding could catch on other objects when it's placed in a bag. Opinion was split between glossy paper and cardstock, with a slight preference for the glossy.
  • Funding

ALA Meeting

  • Recap of meeting at ALA MidWinter and plans for meeting at annual.


Message for Evergreen

Deferred to Future Meeting

  • Models for using memberships to raise funds for the project
  • Conference kit
outreach/meetings/2017-03-01.txt · Last modified: 2022/02/10 13:34 by

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