Evergreen Outreach Committee Meeting Agenda / Notes
June 28, 2017
10 a.m. Eastern
- ALA Meeting - follow-up discussion and plans for MidWinter
- About 20 people attended, including several Evergreen users who are already active in the community, several Evergreen users who are not active in the community, and two people who are not Evergreen users. One indicated that her library is currently system shopping.
- We presented on the new activity metric feature and on the ability to group formats and editions in a search, including the new feature where you can jump directly from a record to another format of the same title.
- Tim Spindler also introduced people to the community with an overview of our values.
- Galen Charlton also gave an update on upcoming 3.0 features.
- Many thanks to Elizabeth Thomsen for facilitating and to Ron Gagnon, Debbie Luchenbill, Galen Charlton, and Tim Spindler for presenting.
- For MidWinter, the group agreed that the focus should be on the web client.
- Ron suggested that we promote the event a little further out than we previously have for other ALA events. We should send something out one to two months out.
- Promoting 3.0
- The ALA discussion segued into a discussion about publicity for the 3.0 release.
- The group agreed we should do a larger PR effort for the 3.0 release, not just the standard press release.
- We didn't have specific ideas on the call, but Kathy said she would start an email discussion on the topic.
- Updating the Evergreen Logo - defining parameters:
- Refresh the design
- Official small version of the logo (square or round)
- light on black option?
- The committee agreed that the above three items should be part of the scope of work for the designer.
- Kathy will send along contact information to Meme for the graphic designer who worked on the 2017 conference logo. Meme will inquire about costs to perform the work.
- Merchandising Updates (if any)
- Rogan brought up the webby t-shirt idea again. He had raised the idea by email, but didn't get much initial feedback.
- If we pursued the idea, we would want pre-orders before locking any sales in.
- We didn't sell many t-shirts in the Zazzle store. The webby t-shirts would not have a lot of re-wear value. There is one library that wants to take us up on it, but it's a lot of effort to put into one library.
- The group agreed not to proceed with this idea at this time.
- Conference Committee Updates (if any)
- Rogan needs to follow up with conference committee. He is particularly interested in if social media perks will be part of the sponsorship packages again this year. If so, he would like to divide the task between two people this year (one for Facebook and one for Twitter). He hopes to smooth out the process this year.
- Outreach Committee Calendar to track tasks that need to be done - https://calendar.google.com/calendar/embed?src=b4utpj39006ljdb4en18vuckh0%40group.calendar.google.com&ctz=America/New_York
Ongoing Projects with No Updates
- Fundraising / Project Membership
- Messaging
outreach/meetings/2017-06-28.txt · Last modified: 2022/02/10 13:34 by