Evergreen Outreach Committee Meeting August 3, 2022 2 p.m. Eastern, 11 a.m. Pacific
Attending: Rogan Hamby, Kean (IVPL-PaILS), Jennifer Weston, Deborah Luchenbill, Ruth Frasur (minutes)
- Press releases (Rogan)
- Ron has released several press releases including a recap of the conference.
- Community Spotlight (Andrea, Ruth) - form - Committee will choose someone at September committee meeting from nominations and have spotlight ready by end of 2022Q3 or early part of 2022Q4.
- Image archive (Ruth)
- Jennifer Weston shared link to archived conference presentation on Evergreen's unsung heroes.
- Hack-A-Way (Rogan)
- date selection closes this Friday (August 5)
- Small group of community members to develop comparison model for potential platforms in the next month or so.
- Annual Report (Rogan)
- 2021 Annual Report was distributed on last day of 2022 Evergreen Online Conference.
- Planning for 2022 Annual Report will begin in November 2022.
- Acknowledge that in-person conferences tend to generate significantly more content for the annual report than online conferences.
- Merchandise (Debbie, Rogan)
- Discussion re: different philosophical approaches to TEP merchandise - general "community goodwill" vs. "revenue generation."
- Challenges w/ managing inventory/stock make Print-on-demand (POD) w/ lowest cost possible for customer more attractive.
- Redbubble situation spurs search for POD alternatives.
- Jennifer and Deborah will work with Rogan to develop comparison matrix.
- Conference Videos
- Rogan is working on getting these uploaded as time and circumstance allow.
- Website Planning
- On pause for the time being.
- Social Media Content
- Good entry point for community member.
- Does not need to be a member of the outreach committee
- Standing Conference Committee
- Website has been updated to current membership
Adjourned 2:45pm EDT
outreach/meetings/2022-08-03/minutes.txt · Last modified: 2022/08/03 16:09 by rfrasur