Evergreen Outreach Committee Meeting July 7th, 2021 2 p.m. Eastern, 11 a.m. Pacific
Attending: Ruth Frasur, Rogan Hamby, Debbie Luchenbill, Andrea Buntz Neiman (minutes), Jennifer Weston
- Community Spotlight (Andrea, Ruth) - form
- Tabled for next month
- Press releases (Ron)
- Post-Conference Press Release went out in June
- Image archive (Ruth)
- Not gone through videos yet but it's on the list
- Merchandise (Debbie, Rogan)
- Interest expressed in the post-conference survey for merch
- Resolved to resume merch discussion after TEP is in full control of all Evergreen assets
- Debbie will inventory existing merchandise
- Hack-A-Way
- Virtual again this year
- Debating which platform to use
- Website rebuild
- Andrea will strike references to SFC from the Evergreen website - DONE, with the exception of Governance and Trademark pages as these will need TEP Board input.
- Evergreen Indiana will be standing up a test server to make edits
- Rogan will take PM lead here
- August Outreach meeting will be a website working session
Adjourned 3:05pm ET
Tabled Until Torch Carrier Comes Forward
- Social Media - scheduling regular content for Facebook & Twitter
- Community Ambassadors
outreach/meetings/2021-07-07/minutes.txt · Last modified: 2022/02/10 13:34 by