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Evergreen Outreach Committee Meeting Notes
September 26, 2016
Attending: Kathy Lussier (chair), Rogan Hamby (Equinox), Meme Marlow (Worch Memorial Public Library), and Ruth Frasur (Hagerstown - Jefferson Township Library)
Annual report
Grace and Meme have secured quotes printing the annual reports. Grace has a standing action item to get samples printed using the 2015 report so that we have the opportunity to asses the look and feel of the reports.
Conference Kit Using the brainstorming that had previously been done for the conference kit, Kathy pulled together the items that she thought should comprise the starter conference kit. The committee agreed with the items that were identified. Rogan added a suggestion to include a list of items that conference advocates should have on hand, which might include chairs, a laptop, projector, candy, etc.
Kathy noted that she would like to focus on an central message that the Outreach Committee could use in promotional materials, in the About section of the web site, and other arenas. She might start an e-mail discussion on this message or may raise it at a future meeting when more committee members are in attendance.
ALA MidWinter
Before the call, Grace volunteered to help organize the meetup, and Ruth also said she could help during the call. Rogan will also attend MidWinter. Kathy will submit the request for Saturday afternoon. Kathy also noted that Terran McCanna and Elizabeth Thomsen helped with the meetup at annual. She can contact them directly to see if they're interested in helping with this meetup.
Models for using memberships to raise funds for the project
This topic was deferred until the next meeting.
Rogan had previously sent an e-mail to the committee asking if there was interest in exploring Spreadshirt - - as a possible replacement for the Evergreen Zazzle shop. The products are ethically sourced and may also be more affordable than the Zazzle ethically-sourced items. The committee agreed it would be worthwhile to explore this option. Rogan needs to set up a shop to explore it further, which requires action from the Conservancy. He'll contact Amy Terlaga who can contact the Conservancy to see what needs to happen to set up the shop.
Next meeting
Kathy will send out a Doodle for the next Outreach conference call.