Table of Contents
Test Checklist
- Searching from Home Screen
- Try different keyword/author/subject
- Try different formats (video/etc)
- Try different org units
- Searching from Advanced Search
- Try different keyword/author/subject
- Try different formats (video/etc)
- Try different org units
- Searching while logged-in to OPAC
- Try different keyword/author/subject
- Try different formats (video/etc)
- Try different org units
- Searching within staff client
- Try different keyword/author/subject
- Try different formats (video/etc)
- Try different org units
- Search results are accurate
- Results display is accurate
- Item detail display is accurate
My Account
- Logging in as different accounts
- Changing password or other account settings
- Placing holds
- Creating bookbags
- All of the above are functional
- Account details are accurate
Staff Client
- Logging in as different accounts
- Changing/registering a workstation
- Logging out
- Offline mode
- Staff client is basically functional
- Creating a new MARC record from scratch
- Creating a MARC record from a template
- Importing a MARC record from Vandelay
- Importing a MARC record from Z39.50
- Editing a MARC record
- Quick-add holdings
- Creating an empty volume
- Manually adding holdings to an existing record
- Adding a volume and an item in one step
- Adding multiple volumes and items across multiple branches in one step
- Adding an item to an existing volume
- Adding items across multiple existing volumes in one step
- Editing an existing holding
- Editing an existing volume
- Creating a holding from a template
- Moving Volumes/Copies
- MARC records can be created, imported and edited
- Holdings can be created, edited and moved
- Creating a new patron
- Retrieving an existing patron via barcode
- Retrieving an existing patron via search
- Editing an existing patron
- Billing a patron
- Applying a payment for a patron
- Patrons can be added and edited
- Patron search functions
- Patron account details are accurate
- Opt-in functionality works
- Checking out various items including
- Long-loan items
- Non-circulating or reference items
- Strange or special items
- Checking in various items including:
- Strange formats
- Items with holds
- Items with transits
- Items that are lost or have other weird states
- Items can be checked out
- All items have accurate due dates and renewals
- Reference items and any non-circulating items are handled appropriately
- Items can be checked in
- Items transit
- Transit / hold slips are accurate
- Slips are printed for checkouts and transit/hold slips
qa/generic_testing_guidelines.txt · Last modified: 2022/02/10 13:34 by