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Evergreen Outreach Committee Meeting July 5, 2023 4 p.m. Eastern, 1 p.m. Pacific

Attending: Laura Barry, Kat Dannehl, Rogan Hamby, Stephanie Leary, Debbie Luchenbill, Kathy Lussier, Andrea Neiman (minutes), Kathryn Nesbit, Olivia Scully

Called to order 4:02pm ET

  • Website (Stephanie)
    • Nothing to report
  • Press releases
    • Kat D. will be taking over press releases
  • Social Media (Kathryn)
    • Rogan gave an overview of historic social media activity and possible priorities going forward.
    • Question about new blog posts posting to Twitter / Facebook etc. - this had been via Evergreen Planet - culprit likely a broken plugin
    • Stephanie: we can still automatically post to FB; but not Twitter
  • Evergreen Seeds podcast (Rogan)
    • Capturing the stories & history of Evergreen
    • Rogan suggested this as a press release idea - Kat will work on this as well as a blog post
    • Stephanie will suggest a wordpress plugin for the podcast
    • Laura will provide constructive feedback and promotion of the podcast
    • Currently audio only, but Rogan will look into making mp4 files as well as include auto-captions
      • Debbie and Laura can help with transcripts
  • Hack-a-way
    • Rogan is following up on whether or not there are rooms left in the block
  • New Biz
    • Discussion: what to follow Twitter?
      • Mastodon probably most viable but runs afoul of the GDPR
      • Orgs like Koha, Internet Archive, etc. are on Mastodon
      • BlueSky? Spoutible? Lemmy? Substack?
      • Rogan points out that it's valuable to at least secure our namespace on new socials - Rogan will create EG community accounts on some of these services & work on a better way to share passwords.

Meeting adjourned at 4:29pm ET

outreach/meetings/2023-07-05/minutes.txt · Last modified: 2023/07/05 16:30 by aneiman

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