DIG Agenda - Monday, January 27, 2014

This meeting will be held on the #evergreen channel on the Freenode IRC network (http://evergreen-ils.org/irc.php) beginning at 11:00 AM EST (different from our normal meeting time of 2:00 PM EST). Current and future DIG participants are encouraged to attend, and any interested members of the Evergreen Community are welcome as well. For updates, notifications, and discussion please sign up for the Evergreen Documentation Discussion List.

  1. Introductions: paste ”/me is <name> <affiliation>” to identify who you are and what organization, if any, you represent
  2. Updates from Content Coordinators
  3. Old Business
    1. Think of ways to increase participation, create an informal survey, training during a DIG hack-a-way, or online DIG training sessions between conferences (by Yamil)
      1. brainstorming on survey draft (Yamil)
    2. Including technical information in end-user docs - http://markmail.org/message/twcwas7r4yuavxcq (by Kathy)
    3. provide AsciiDoc training before DIG hack-a-way
      1. decide on content, decide on date
    4. Yamil's DocBook to Asciidoc conversion project (by his intern)
      1. needs help proofreading
      2. track progress in the bottom section of Evergreen 2.5 Documentation Needs
  4. New Business
    1. Post DIG hack-a-way discussion
      1. remaining work to be finished
      2. ideas for next year and next year's conference
    2. Reminder to use (and keep improving) the DIG AsciiDoc Style Guide
    3. Discuss if we should pick a new monthly day and time for DIG to meet (Yamil)

Next Meeting: TBD