Table of Contents

Evergreen Documentation Needs

High level workflow for documenting new EG features

1. Choose a Task 2. Read Release Notes 3. Update the Docs

- Look at the task list below and add your name next to a task
- Need a wiki account? Just ask.

- Review the release notes entry for the feature (and/or the Launchpad bug)
- It may need a new section in one or more of the official manuals
- It may fit within an existing section
- It may only need updated screenshots
- You may be able to simply copy the release note into the appropriate section

- Make corrections in any
format (perhaps by editing
on GitHub) and share with the email list
- Learn more about ways to contribute your changes

Style Guide

3.12 Documentation Still Needed

List here all extant documentation needed for Evergreen version 3.12:

3.13 Documentation Still Needed

EASY Tasks for New Contributors

Bitesize (simple) documentation bugs on Launchpad:

Pull Requests ready for review

Add Index Terms Throughout the Docs

Add Terms and Definitions to the Glossary

Documentation Re-Organization Clean Up Tasks

Other Documentation Tasks


Check Sitka's documentation, especially when documenting older features: Also, consider adding links to their YouTube videos.

Quick Start Guides

We would like to provide an "Evergreen Quick Start" guide for the most common functions of Evergreen. The intended audience is library volunteers, student workers, and staff who are new to libraries. Learn more about the initial idea.

Here's a list of the guides we think we need. Feel free to add more!

Check In

Check Out

Adding Holdings

Adding call numbers and items to a bibliographic record.

Undocumented Features/Changes, Taken From Release Notes

Many of these will be easy changes. Some will need no changes at all.

Copy the HTML code below to update the status of an item:



Acquisitions Administration

Notification / Action Triggers

Circulation Administration

Credit Card Processing

Installation / Upgrade / Build / Translation

Integration with other software

Other (or not categorized yet)









* staff account password resets

Self Check Out

Other (or not categorized yet)


Public catalog



Borrow from Shared Docs

Other Requested Documentation

Non-Docs Tasks