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User Interface Interest Group

This is a new interest group that will collaborate to standardize the Evergreen user interface and establish a design system, including a component pattern library and a written style guide.

Mailing List is a dedicated mailing list for the new UI group. Note that new members must be approved by a Google Group owner; this is a spam prevention measure. We usually approve requests within a few minutes.


The group will meet on the 4th Thursday of the month at 2pm Eastern.

Next Meeting

September 26, 2024: Agenda and Notes

October 24, 2024: UI wish list for 4.0

Past Meetings

Style Guide / Design System Project

The group will start with several small projects to standardize some elements of the Evergreen interface.

The Design System Roadmap shows how these fit into the long-term plan.

The long-term goal will be to create a comprehensive design system for Evergreen, including guidelines for governance of UI decisions.

Launchpad Tags

This group organizes its work using the following official tags in Launchpad:

  • accessibility: accessibility concerns & assistive tech (including screen readers, WCAG compliance, alt tags, etc.)
  • terminology: wording issues; may be combined with ux-styleguide but is more specific
  • usability: user interfaces, user experience, and general usability
  • ux-buttons: User experience for buttons (wording, color, hover/focus states, etc.)
  • ux-empty-states: User experience for default states ("nothing added yet", "no results found")
  • ux-error-messages: On-screen error messages (not console logs)
  • ux-forms: Usability issues with forms (may be further subdivided)
  • ux-form-hints: Form field formatting hints, instructions, and placeholders
  • ux-form-validation: Form validation issues
  • ux-keyboard: Keyboard navigation, focus, and tab order
  • ux-links: Link issues
  • ux-menus: Issues with the wording, placement, or contents of navigation menus
  • ux-preferences: UI-related user preferences
  • ux-styleguide: Editorial style guide issues
  • webstaffcolumns: Grid columns that can't be sorted or filtered, or show the wrong data, or are missing entirely

New tags may be canonized using the ux- prefix.

community/ui_ig.txt · Last modified: 2024/09/25 10:24 by sleary

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