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User Interface Interest Group

This is a new interest group that will collaborate to standardize the Evergreen user interface and establish a design system, including a component pattern library and a written style guide.

Mailing List is a dedicated mailing list for the new UI group. Note that new members must be approved by a Google Group owner; this is a spam prevention measure. We usually approve requests within a few minutes.


The group will meet on the 4th Thursday of the month at 2pm Eastern.

Next Meeting

April 25, 2024: 90-minute meeting at the Evergreen Conference Agenda | Zoom link

Past Meetings


The group will start with several small projects to standardize some elements of the Evergreen interface.

The Design System Roadmap shows how these fit into the long-term plan.

The long-term goal will be to create a comprehensive design system for Evergreen, including guidelines for governance of UI decisions.

Launchpad Tags

This group organizes its work using the following official tags in Launchpad:

  • accessibility: accessibility concerns & assistive tech (including screen readers, WCAG compliance, alt tags, etc.)
  • terminology: wording issues; may be combined with ux-styleguide but is more specific
  • usability: user interfaces, user experience, and general usability
  • ux-buttons: User experience for buttons (wording, color, hover/focus states, etc.)
  • ux-empty-states: User experience for default states ("nothing added yet", "no results found")
  • ux-error-messages: On-screen error messages (not console logs)
  • ux-forms: Usability issues with forms (may be further subdivided)
  • ux-form-hints: Form field formatting hints, instructions, and placeholders
  • ux-form-validation: Form validation issues
  • ux-keyboard: Keyboard navigation, focus, and tab order
  • ux-links: Link issues
  • ux-menus: Issues with the wording, placement, or contents of navigation menus
  • ux-preferences: UI-related user preferences
  • ux-styleguide: Editorial style guide issues
  • webstaffcolumns: Grid columns that can't be sorted or filtered, or show the wrong data, or are missing entirely

New tags may be canonized using the ux- prefix.

community/ui_ig.1714066565.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/04/25 13:36 by sleary

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© 2008-2022 GPLS and others. Evergreen is open source software, freely licensed under GNU GPLv2 or later.
The Evergreen Project is a U.S. 501(c)3 non-profit organization.