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Evergreen Bug Squashing Week

Upcoming Bug Squashing Weeks

  • May 20 - May 24, 2019 (Combined Bug Squashing Week and Feedback Fest)
  • July 29 - August 2, 2019 (Feedback Fest)
  • September 9 - September 13, 2019 (Bug Squashing Week)


1. Launchpad

Launchpad is the bug tracking system used by the Evergreen community. Register for a login so that you can participate in bug reporting and testing. Learn more about how to access and use Launchpad from Mary Jinglewski and Andrea Buntz Neiman's presentation at the 2018 Evergreen International Conference: Open Slideshow

More information about using Launchpad

2. Testing

You may participate in Bug Squashing Week by…

  • Testing bugs with the "New" status that other people have reported in order to confirm them.
  • Testing old bugs to see if they are still valid. If they are, add feedback to confirm that they are still valid in the Evergreen version you are working on. If they are not, add feedback and change the status to "Won't Fix."
  • Testing bug fixes that have the pullrequest tag to be sure that they work (see Testing Bugs section below).
  • Providing additional feedback on bugs that have not yet been fixed.
  • Adding tags to bugs - please see the list of current official tags (as of Spring 2019).
  • Submitting new bug fixes (see Fixing Bugs section below).
  • Submitting documentation updates.
  • Pushing bug fixes into Evergreen (for Core Committers only).

3. Sign-Offs

If you test a bug fix that has a pullrequest tag and find that it works as described, you can sign off on it:

  • Sign off on the code through git or add a comment to the Launchpad bug that says "I have tested this code and consent to signing off on it with my name, [enter name or consistent alias] and my email address, [enter email address]."
  • Add a signedoff tag to the LP bug. (Do not remove the pullrequest tag.)

More Detailed Information

Testing Bug Fixes

These Evergreen bugs with pullrequest tags are ready for testing. According to community guidelines, each piece of new code needs to be tested and get a sign-off from somebody else before it can be merged into Evergreen

Testing involves the following steps:

  1. Loading the code on a non-production server. If you cannot load code or cannot work with a local tech person to load code, you can submit a request for a Bug Squashing Day Sandbox. Please note, the community will have a limited number of Sandboxes available and may not be able to accommodate all requests. Please submit your request early to give us time to get the Sandbox ready.
  2. To avoid duplication of effort, add yourself to the "Assigned To" field in the Launchpad bug after submitting the Sandbox request.
  3. If your testing finds the bug fix works as expected and does not break other functionality:
    1. Sign off on the code or add a comment to the Launchpad bug that says "I have tested this code and consent to signing off on it with my name, [enter name or consistent alias] and my email address, [enter email address]."
    2. Add a signedoff tag to the LP bug.
    3. Remove yourself from the "Assigned To" field.
  4. If you discover problems when testing, add a comment to the Launchpad bug.

Fixing Bugs

To avoid duplication of effort, add yourself to the "Assigned To" field in the Launchpad bug before working on it. If you're new to contributing code, see our code contribution guidelines.

Need help deciding which bugs to fix?

Previous Bug Squashing Days

dev/bug_squashing.1559067772.txt.gz · Last modified: 2022/02/10 13:34 (external edit)

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The Evergreen Project is a U.S. 501(c)3 non-profit organization.