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Evergreen release checklist

We have started to develop a release checklist (from the last Developer Meeting).

We need to enhance and agree on the checklist (ideally each step links to a more detailed process, and we're probably missing steps).

We should assign positions to names for each release so it is clear who does what.

We would like a "release coordinators" mailing list to, uhh, help coordinate the release.

We should adopt this checklist as a process, then we probably copy the page prior to each release with the names for each position.


  1. release-lead cuts the release tarball and uploads to
  2. release-lead uploads the ChangeLog to
  3. staff-client-packager creates the Windows staff client, computes the md5 checksum, and uploads to
  4. release-notes-writer puts final release notes on / into official documentation / wherever
  5. testers run test cases and file bugs for broken test cases (QA team members need to add/extend/update test cases during the release cycle)
  6. bug-wrangler changes "Fix committed" bugs to "Fix released" for that milestone
  7. bug-wrangler creates new milestone for that release
  8. web-team-member updates download page with new release
  9. communication-team-member announces release on mailing list / blog and updates wikipedia / freshmeat

Release Team Members

Evergreen 2.0

Responsibility Member(s)
release-lead Mike Rylander
staff-client-packager Jason Etheridge, Brian Feifarek, Ben Shum
release-notes-writer Anoop Atre, Mike Rylander
testers several
bug-wrangler Jason Stephenson
web-team-member Anoop Atre
communication-team-member Amy Terlaga
dev/evergreen/release_checklist.1297372054.txt.gz · Last modified: 2022/02/10 13:34 (external edit)

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