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Developer meeting: December 7, 2010

Tentatively to be held at:

  • 09:00:00 a.m. Tuesday December 7, 2010 in America/Los_Angeles
  • 12:00:00 p.m. Tuesday December 7, 2010 in Canada/Eastern
  • 04:00:00 p.m. Tuesday December 7, 2010 in UTC

Last meeting: 2010-11-29


Meeting takes place on IRC on the #evergreen channel on Freenode. See the Calendar for specific dates and times.

Logs and minutes

  • (Will be added post-meeting)

Prior to the meeting

  • Please fill out Who's who if you want to be identified more readily in the future


Times are rough guides to the expected amount of time to be spent on each agenda item.

Each item other than "introductions" should have a designated lead. Feel free to put your name down beside an item if you know the topic and can lead a coherent discussion on it!

  1. Determine the taker of minutes
  2. Determine meeting leader
    1. Dan Scott to create a draft page and request feedback for "Evergreen supported releases" document.
      • Status: Not yet done. dbs will keep it on his to-do list if nobody else volunteers.
    2. Bill Erickson to report on release of KCLS OPAC skin.
    3. Lebbeous Fogle-Weekley to post link to serials document when it is ready.
    4. Dan Wells reported seeing IE crash with his 1.6 catalog, he will test with the beta catalog.
    5. Dan Scott volunteered to tackle unexpected payload bug.
      • Status: Fixed with a big assist from Jason Etheridge
    6. Jason Stephenson offered to go through the list of "Fix Committed" bugs and change those that were tied to an actual release to "Fix Released"
    7. Dan Scott will post a call to the -devel list for a bug-squashing day tied to beta4 release
      • Status: Not yet done. dbs will keep it on his to-do list if nobody else volunteers.
    8. Mike Rylander to write release notes for Evergreen
      • Status: Not yet done. Mike will keep it on his to-do list if nobody else volunteers.
    9. Dan Scott to write release notes for OpenSRF 1.6.1.
      • Status: Not yet done. dbs will keep it on his to-do list if nobody else volunteers.
  3. (2 min) Review Opportunity Items from previous meeting
    1. Call for head bug wrangler to help coordinate QA efforts like bug-squshing days, triaging bugs, generating patches, etc.?
    2. Need for someone to implement proper library versioning using autotools
      • Status: Committed libopensrf and c-apps versioning to OpenSRF trunk in preparation for OpenSRF 2.0 release
      • Still needs to be applied to Evergreen release
  4. (10 min) 2.0 beta status? List of bugs targeted to the beta4 release
  5. (2 min) Schedule next meeting
    • Tentatively, every Tuesday for the next 8 weeks at the same time (12:00 EST, 9:00 PST)


  1. Scrape together minutes
dev/meetings/2010-12-07.1291738500.txt.gz · Last modified: 2022/02/10 13:34 (external edit)

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