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Minutes for Community / Developer Meeting of October 19, 2010

    1. Dan Scott to update Versioning - drafted and ready for review; please post comments or responses to the mailing list
    2. Release notes and future expected features - Suzanne Lipscomb and Grace Dunbar were close to completing release notes for 2.0 (posted 2010-10-29)
    3. 2.0 alpha testing - general delight at the amount of testing the alpha releases have been receiving
    4. List projects in progress in a central location: Code repositories - drafted
    5. Follow up with DIG on integration between wiki pages and Book of Evergreen - from Karen Collier:
      Notes have been made on Wiki pages where content
      was taken with links to the files in the github repository
      and links to the html document (some links will need updating).
      Moreover, links have been added to the documentation outline
      indicating the corresponding wiki content for various sections.
    6. Web Committee member to email DIG list requesting contact info - from Karen Collier:
      It was determined that using the DIG list is a good
      place for communication from the web committee for questions,
      suggestions, etc...  Other communication means will be used
      as needed.
    7. Report Taskforce to follow-up with Jeff & Ben on automation of reports - from Ben Shum:<codee>Early this year, Dan Scott came to train

Bibliomation on the basics of SQL reports writing. We now have a variety of SQL reports that run on daily & monthly basis.

Originally, we manually ran these SQL reports as necessary. But we soon decided that we would need to setup an automated process for the most commonly used (and repeated) reports. This would be especially important once we migrated our entire consortium to Evergreen. We decided to experiment by setting up the daily circulation SQL report for our libraries.

I began by writing a few shell scripts that would work together to produce the content we desired. The scripts worked to query the Evergreen database directly, output the results into a CSV (comma-separated value) file, do a little massaging to make things look pretty, and then run through a Perl conversion script to place the results into XLS Excel format. The final XLS files would then be e-mailed to the libraries. The scripts are "automated" using cronjobs set to run daily. Our first daily circ reports went live two weeks ago without too much trouble, we are now working to adapt the monthly SQL reports to be automated in this fashion.

Our next objective is to continue generalizing the scripts and consolidating them so that they can be shared and used effectively by the community if so desired.</code>

  1. (* min) Circ scripts – deprecate in 2.0 (not untenable)? kill them altogether (booooo!)? something else? – vs tsbere's due-date ceiling alternate implementation patch: where should it go?
    • trunk?
    • rel_2_0? (late in alpha and contains important, additive schema change, but code looks safe enough)
    • rel_1_6 for 1.6.2? (has a working version, though there are valid complains about the design going forward)
    • Resolution:
      • Mostly agreement on deprecating circulation scripts in 2.0
      • Mostly agreement on committing Thomas Berezansky's in-database circulation patch to trunk and rel_2_0, with weak consensus on rel_1_6
      • It was suggested that further discussion happen on the open-ils-dev list
  2. (* min) 2.0 alpha4 to 2.0 gold - works in progress, discuss of what will make it in for general release, hash out schedule
    • Commit Thomas Berezansky's in-database circulation patch ASAP now that we have consensus for rel_2_0
    • Clean up MARC Batch Import / Export user interface
    • Smooth out acquisitions interface and address some bugs in the functionality
    • Small serials tweaks but nothing major planned
    • Documentation for new features in 2.0?
      • ACTION ITEM All to forward any documentation on 2.0 features they have to DIG
      • ACTION ITEM Robert Soulliere to put together an outline page for 2.0 on wiki.
    • Rough schedule for 2.0 (per Mike Rylander):
      1. Create Beta 1 in November (will help IISH which is testing 2.0 and hoping to go live on 2.0 in November)
      2. After one beta and one release candidate, expect a 2.0 final release (assuming testing goes well)
  3. (* min) Evergreen branches prior to 2.0 - status and plans
    • 1.6.0 branch will be getting one more new release
    • Proposal from Mike Rylander that the release of 2.0 should kill 1.6.0, though 1.6.1 will probably need to hang on for as long as 1.6.2
    • ACTION ITEM All to continue discussing 1.6 release plans on the mailing lists
  4. (* min) After Evergreen 2.0; roundup of projects that people are working on
    • (Dan Scott): 2.1-ish, EG-Social = Activity Streams + XFN + TT2-based user / item pages (possibly a basis for a new OPAC?)
    • (Thomas Berezansky): Toolbar buttons open new tabs instead of replacing current tab, as an option and with a modifier (ctrl) held on click
  5. (* min) DIG report
    DIG has made a good deal of progress collecting, writing, 
    and editing documentation, and converting it to DocBook
    format. The new host for the documentation site is: Eventually, this URL will
    lead to a jump page with links to all the various versions
    and formats of the documentation.
    The current and only version is the draft version of the
    1.6 documentation:
    The documentation outline shows which areas are complete and
    which areas still need work.
    Jeremy Buhler from Sitka contributed a docbook style guide:
    As of the last meeting, the documentation was being refreshed
    manually.  It is now generated automatically. On a nightly
    basis, the documents are pulled from the github repository
    and the HTML and PDF files are generated on the server.
  6. (* min) Reports Taskforce report
    Our last few meetings have been sparsely attended
    - any interested bodies are welcome to join us!  View
    information about the group here:
    We're curious about reports in 2.0; at the time of
    our last meeting in September, no one in attendance was
    testing 2.0.  We're reviewing the PINES report
    requirements document. Our next meeting is scheduled
    for tomorrow at 1:00 Central/2:00 Eastern.
    We could definitely use a few more people; if you're
    interested, let one of the current Reports people know.
    • Galen Charlton added one update on the Equinox reports - with KCLS' help, we've verified that they work in 2.0
    • ACTION ITEM Anyone interested in helping with the Reports Taskforce, contact the Reports Taskforce
    • ACTION ITEM Jason Stephenson will see if he can get someone from MVLC to join the reports task force.
  7. (* min) Website Team report and discussion: Lori Bowen Ayre posted the contents of the Communication Committee report that was posted to the open-ils-general mailing list on October 19, 2010
    • ACTION ITEM Please review and respond to that Communication Committee report!
  8. (* min) Governance Committee report and discussion (see Governance Structure)
    • Dan Scott linked to the status report for October 19, 2010 and added:
      The director of the Software Freedom Conservancy
      (Bradley Kuhn) said in IRC that invitations to
      new member projects will go out today - including
      to Evergreen.
      Also, from today's governance meeting, expect
      more membership proposals to get kicked around
      on the lists.
  9. (* min) Schedule next meeting
dev/meetings/2010-10/minutes.txt · Last modified: 2022/02/10 13:34 by

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