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Developer meeting: January 31, 2012

Meeting takes place on IRC on the #evergreen channel on Freenode. See the Calendar for specific dates and times.

Held at

  • 09:00:00 a.m. Tuesday January 31, 2012 in America/Los_Angeles
  • 12:00:00 p.m. Tuesday January 31, 2012 in Canada/Eastern
  • 16:00:00 Tuesday January 31, 2012 in UTC

Last meeting:

Logs and minutes


  1. Determine the taker of minutes: MeetBot
  2. Determine meeting leader: bshum
  3. Start MeetBot recording: #startmeeting 2012-01-31 - Developer Meeting
  4. Review past action items:
    1. bshum to follow up with DIG participant for Evergreen Release Team in early 2012.
      1. STATUS: Incomplete, will ask about this during next DIG Meeting.
    2. dbs to open a bug that points to user/dbs/relnotes_22 for a merge
      1. STATUS: Done - - and committed
    3. dbs to update the release process doc with a mention of the version_upgrade directory
      1. STATUS: Deferred.
    4. eeevil to merge the branch with the version_upgrade directory
      1. STATUS: Done - - and committed
    5. moodaepo and bshum to poke at writing up a wiki page on how to use MeetBot better next time.
      1. STATUS: Completed, see Using MeetBot page.
  5. New business
    1. Developer Meeting Schedule (see mailing thread)
      1. Suggestion has been made to move the Developer Meeting time out of the 12 pm EST timeslot in order to avoid conflicts with lunchtime for majority of participants.
      2. Also there has been a suggestion to consider an alternative to Tuesdays in that case.
    2. Next Evergreen 2.2 alpha?
    3. Google Summer of Code 2012 pre-planning
  6. Announcements?
  7. End MeetBot recording: #endmeeting
dev/meetings/2012-01-31.txt · Last modified: 2022/02/10 13:34 by

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