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Developer meeting: May 23, 2012

Meeting takes place on IRC on the #evergreen channel on Freenode. See the Calendar for specific dates and times.

Held at

  • 11:00:00 a.m. Wednesday, May 23, 2012 in America/Los_Angeles
  • 2:00:00 p.m. Wednesday, May 23, 2012 in Canada/Eastern
  • 18:00:00 Wednesday, May 23, 2012 in UTC

Last meeting:

Logs and minutes


  1. Determine the taker of minutes: MeetBot
  2. Determine meeting leader:
  3. Start MeetBot recording: #startmeeting 2012-05-23 - Developer Meeting
  4. New business
    1. Documentation in the code repository
      • dbs has put together a proof-of-concept branch merging the documentation repository with the code repository at user/dbs/doc_consolidation_master in working
      • The goal is to enable DIG members to commit directly to anything under the docs/ subdirectory of Evergreen. Release notes and install instructions will be located there, with INSTALL && README now being simple symlinks to the actual install docs.
      • Any objections / questions? Shall we make it so?
    2. Release notes entries
      • We're putting these in a "RELEASE_NOTES_NEXT" directory or something like that now (clarification appreciated)
      • Is the process that, when the branch gets merged, the release notes entry will get pulled into the release notes file at that time and the RELEASE_NOTES_NEXT directory gets deleted?
    3. Github pull requests
      • I imagine we're going to get more pull requests from github users. More contribution == goodness, but we also need to maintain sign-offs and quality commit logs (see fun Linus rant about github pull requests), and there seems to be a common pattern in github pull requests that suggests people aren't reading our "contributing" wiki doc, or our dev:git wiki page.
      • Maybe we could edit the HACKING doc to the root of the git directory / tarball to make it contain the simplest possible info about requirements (good commit logs, sign-offs, pointer to
    4. Any thoughts on (OU-targeted URI's and scoping with staff searches) I told Beth (from the ticket) that I'd bring it up and see what folks thought.
      • dbs added a comment, following a similar complaint from rjackson-isl in IRC this morning, trying to describe the use case for the behaviour. It's working as designed, but it sounds like there's a non-trivial number of staff who would prefer it to be designed differently.
    5. GSoC project updates: Ideally from the students themselves, if they're in attendance.
      • Please note any bottlenecks / barriers that you might be running into; the community wants to help.
  5. Releases
    1. OpenSRF
      1. OpenSRF release 2.1.0
        • dbs is close to cutting the final pre-release tarball; if there are any further bug fixes to get in, flag them in Launchpad now!
          • (berick: dbs is looking at you and your only-ever-mentioned-in-IRC JS monkeypatch branch)
        • Thanks to Galen for assistance on testing a few outstanding patches!
        • Also, dropping support for RHEL 5 / CentOS 5 / Debian Lenny / Ubuntu Hardy from README and Makefile.install in user/dbs/README_distros_2_1 branch
          • dbs has tested with a clean Debian Squeeze install, will test with clean Ubuntu Precise and Fedora installs before pushing rel_2_1 / master
      2. OpenSRF master:
        • dbs will apply Remove ChopChop as soon as 2.1.0 is cut
        • dbs would like more eyeballs on Cross Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) Support
          • There's some good info in the write-up in the pull request itself, but the commits need to be cleaned up with improved comments and DCO sign-offs. Would anyone be willing to work with Bennett to help guide him through our process?
          • Update: Bennett took another stab at a cleaned-up commit, per the bug; still need eyeballs & braiiinz
  6. Evergreen
    1. Evergreen release 2.0.11
    2. Evergreen release 2.1.2
      • Once OpenSRF 2.1.0 is cut, dbs will focus on a 2.1.2 release
    3. Evergreen release 2.2.0
    4. Evergreen 2.3?
  7. Announcements?
  8. End MeetBot recording: #endmeeting
dev/meetings/2012-05-23.txt · Last modified: 2022/02/10 13:34 by

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