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Developer Meeting: August 29, 2012

Held at

  • 12:00:00 a.m. Monday, July 16, 2012 in America/Los_Angeles
  • 3:00:00 p.m. Monday, July 16, 2012 in Canada/Eastern
  • 19:00:00 Monday, July 16, 2012 in UTC

Last meeting:

Logs and minutes


Action Items from Last Meeting

  1. denials still going to write up "How to set up an alias for cherry-picking w/ signoff in tig"
    • STATUS: ?
  2. eeevil will report via the list on GSoC student progress
    • STATUS: See GSoC reports below.
  3. berick to announce alpha2 release on general/dev list
    • STATUS: Done, along with beta1 & beta2.
  4. denials will open bug to track TPAC locale selector needs
    • STATUS: ?
  5. senator will update the bug with an outline of what could be changed for more speed
    • STATUS: ?
  6. bshum / moodaepo will mark Evergreen 2.0.x as deprecated, and style it to look as dead and unappealing as possible
    • STATUS: Done.


  1. denials and gmcharlt (and hopefully all of the students)
  2. GSoC Mentor Summit
    1. Looks like everyone except for tsbere and denials were unable to make it

Release info


  1. Anything?


  1. 2.3.x - berick
  2. 2.2.x - senator
  3. 2.1.x - denials

Hack-a-way planning

dev/meetings/2012-08-29.txt · Last modified: 2022/02/10 13:34 by

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