Table of Contents
Next Developer Meeting
- 12 p.m. Wednesday, May 3, 2017 in Vancouver/Pacific
- 3 p.m. Wednesday, May 3, 2017 in New York/Eastern
- 20:00:00 Wednesday, May 3, 2017 in UTC
Action Items from Last Meeting
- Galen will send out a call for patch authors to use open-ils-dev to introduce new features.
- Galen will also increase use of IRC to ask people to review particular patches.
- Jeff Godin, Ben Shum, Dan Scott, Mike Rylander, Galen Charlton, and Jason Stephenson will start exploring options for replacing Launchpad, including GitHub and GitLab.
- Ben Shum and Dan Scott will set up Launchpad and the bzr repo to start permitting series-level translations.
Release info
- LP#1684970 (Proxy setup masks client IP needed by osrf-http-translator) warrants cutting 2.5.1 soon
- SIP authentication timeout (1646638) - rsoulliere reported this morning his 3M self-check machines started suffering after their upgrade from 2.5 -> 2.12 and this branch fixed the problem
New Business
- Adopt statement of core committer responsibilities
Feedback for New Features Under Development
- Rewrite Google Books Preview to remove Dojo (1685840) should be ready to commit
- Browser cache-busting (1681095) would be nice
- Copy location search (1411699) could start with committing the branch for loading Dojo only in advanced search, then move on to the WIP branch to do away with Dojo for copy location search entirely
dev/meetings/2017-05-03.txt · Last modified: 2022/02/10 13:34 by