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DIG hack-a-way 2013 - Agenda/Goal Ideas

Date: Friday, November 15, 2013


  • Convert and update old documentation into AsciiDoc
  • Fix documentation bugs reported on Launchpad or mailing list
  • Proofread Berklee intern documentation conversions
  • "Evergreen in Action" work
    • Update content for EG 2.5
    • Move more content from book into regular docs
  • Create new documentation for new or undocumented features


Test Servers

  • Equinox Test Server (link coming soon)
  • Edoceo Test Server (link coming soon)
  • More info: community_servers

DIG hack-a-way 2012 - Agenda/Goal Ideas

Date: October 5th, 2012

Agenda/Goal ideas

  • AsciiDoc training (proposed by Yamil)
  • migrate older documentation to 2.2 or 2.3 docs that works as is (proposed by Yamil)
  • update and migrate older documentation to work in 2.2 or 2.3 docs (proposed by Yamil)
  • create new documentation for brand new features in EG 2.3 by looking for minimal asciidoc files created by developers in the "/docs" directory (proposed by Yamil)
  • Autographed Evergreen in Action manuals
  • Next year's DIG meeting at conference


evergreen-docs/dig_hack-a-way.1383059112.txt.gz · Last modified: 2022/02/10 13:34 (external edit)

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