Notes from EG Reports Taskforce Conference Call: 2010-05-13
Time: 2:00-2:45pm
In attendance: Lynn Floyd, Nancy Studebaker, Roma Matott, Amy Terlaga, Stuart Forrest, Anoop Atre, Jenny Turner
No formal agenda
Amy is a member of the newly formed Communication subcommittee for the Evergreen Foundation. They have discussed locating all things Evergreen in one location; we may as well work on the wiki for now - it can always be linked to/from another site
Who/what is the taskforce a part of? * NOT documenting * Create a place for and requirements for posting reports
Ideas for requirements:
- Creator (link to "profile," a general summary of an Evergreen user as discussed by the Communication Subcommittee)
- Version the report was written for
- Basic description of the report: purpose, audience (academic, public library…)
- Place for commenting on/rating the report
- What not to do with the report (tips)
- Data sources uses
- Revision notes -> what was added
Amy will create an outline of posting guidelines for our review/discussion.
How are reports shared? Templates vs. SQL -> both are from the database.
Amy will start defining categories for the reports and post some samples.
Most members of the taskforce have wiki privileges. Nancy and Stuart will acquire privs.
Do we have a defined goal? Timelines?
- Goal: Develop and organize a central repository for Evergreen reports to encourage ease of access for participating libraries (or something like that). We want to be very "nuts & bolts" in our approach…meet a need and refine as we go along.
- In the spirit of having a general timeline/deadlines, Amy will get her guidelines and page samples up by the end of next week (May 28th). Let her know about ideas for subcategories for reports. She will send an email when things are flushed out.
Lynn (??…Jenny didn't write down who said this - oops!) should have a distribution list set up for us by the end of the day May 14th.
Next meeting (tentative): Thursday, June 10th @ 2pm. Same format (Jenny will set up).