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Notes from EG Reports Taskforce Conference Call: 2010-06-10

Time: 2:00-2:45pm

In attendance: Lynn Floyd, Roma Matott (note taker), Amy Terlaga, Stuart Forrest, Anoop Atre, Jenny Turner (facilitator)

Agenda: Review of documentation guidelines and decide next steps for group.

All agreed that the Documentation Guidelines for Posted Reports were short, concise and helpful. Guidelines were approved.

The group reviewed the submitted reports and thought they looked like a great start.

We discussed the Report Categories/organization of the wiki page and felt it was sufficient for now. Amy gets gold stars for her work and contributions!

Future steps: Amy will put out feelers to see what report development is on the horizon with King County. IF KC would like any input from the task force, Amy will let us know and the group will reconvene. Jennifer will facilitate the next meeting when it is needed.

evergreen-reports/meetings/2010-06-10.txt · Last modified: 2022/02/10 13:34 by

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