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Notes from the EG Reports Task Force Conference Call: 2010-10-20

October 20, 2010; 2:00-2:20 ET

In attendance: Katherine Gregory (PINES), Amy Terlaga (Bibliomation), Jenny Turner (PALS)


New Task Force Members: A representative from KCLS has been secured. Bradley Bonner was unable to make it to this meeting, but will be added to our Google group and will join us in the future. We are still in need of more members and will broadcast this need to the general list - and then promote the group at the Evergreen 2011 Conference.

IRC Meeting, 2010-10-19: Katherine was unable to attend; Amy provided a few highlights: the Software Freedom Conservancy has accepted the Evergreen Foundation's proposal and Bibliomation's funded Hard Due Date patch will be included in v. 2.0.

Other items:

Reports and Windows 2007/Office 2010: PINES has been having issues with running reports with upgraded Microsoft Products. PALS libraries reported these issues and PALS was able to fix the problem. Jenny will see if she can dig up what PALS staff (Anoop) did to fix the problems and share this info with Amy and Katherine.

Evergreen Conference, 2011: Katherine recommended asking the Conference Planning Committee and Dan Scott about a pre- or post-conference about running SQL reports. Amy will check with the committee to see if they like this idea and would be able to accommodate it.

Next meetings: Jenny posted tentative dates for the next meetings on the wiki. November 10 will not work for Amy, we rescheduled it for Nov. 17 and pushed the time back to 1:30 Central/2:30 Eastern. December 8 seemed to work at this time.

To Dos:

All: Recruit, recruit, recruit!

Amy: Check with the Evergreen Conference Planning Committee about a possible pre- or post-conference with Dan Scott.

Jenny: Get Bradley added to the Google group; get information about fixing issues with Windows 7 to Amy and Katherine.

Next Meeting: Nov. 17, 2010 at 1:30 Central/2:30 Eastern

evergreen-reports/meetings/2010-10-20.txt · Last modified: 2022/02/10 13:34 by

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