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Notes from the Evergreen Reports Task Force Conference Call

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May 11, 2011 – 2:30PM-3:30PM EDT

Conference line: 1-507-389-1014


  1. Volunteer for notetaker
  2. Intros
  3. Conference Recap
  4. Next Steps
  5. Other News


  • Jenny Turner (PALS) - coordinator
  • Cristina Trotter (Oconee Regional Library, PINES) - notetaker
  • Ben Shum (Bibliomation)
  • Amy Terlaga (Bibliomation)
  • Gary Collum (Kenton County Public Library)

Conference Recap

  • Amy provided a recap of the interest group meeting at the conference.
  • Out of the interest group meeting came a long list, which was typed up and shared with the mailing list by Jennifer Bielweskis (LYRASIS), who also volunteered to be co-convenyor of the task force. Jenny volunteered to reformat the list and post it to the wiki.

Next Steps

  • Amy said that someone at the conference had mentioned to her that PINES has put out an RFP for the further development of the Reports interface. Cristina ask PINES about the RFP so that it could be shared with the group.
  • Amy asked about efforts to get a 3rd party software to extract data from evergreen. This was another issue discussed at the conference with mention of Web Reporter or Crystal Reports. Gary mentioned that licensing costs would be an issue for many.
  • Amy mentioned that Tim Spindler (C/W MARS) had mentioned adding information to the wiki about a possible way to share reports. Amy offered to get back in touch with Tim about this.
  • This led to further discussion about the need to share reports. Amy asked how the taskforce might be able to foster additional training on SQL reports. Jenny said that she would suggest an SQL training pre-conference for next year's conference in Indiana.
  • Cristina asked about the necessary permissions to run SQL queries. Ben said that direct database access is required and that not all evergreen sys admins allow direct access to the database. He suggested requesting read-only database access.

Other News

  • Ben mentioned that someone at the conference had demonstrated how to code SQL queries on the wiki so that they format properly. Ben has reformatted all of the SQL queries on the wiki for the taskforce.
  • Ben said he would also be submitting additional SQL queries as he works through migrating older SQL queries to evergreen for bibliomation.
  • Jenny asked if we should continue with the phone-based meetings or if we should move to IRC. There was some discussion about individual preferences, and Jenny decided we would move to the IRC format for the next meeting with the hope that more people would be able to participate. She also said she would pose the question about preferred format to the mailing list as a whole.

The next meeting will be June 8, 2011; 2:30pm ET by IRC

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evergreen-reports/meetings/2011-05-11.txt · Last modified: 2022/02/10 13:34 by

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