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Notes from the EG Taskforce Meeting: 2010-08-10

In attendance: Jenny Turner (PALS), Jeff Godin (Traverse Area District Library), Tim Spindler(C/W MARS)

Reports Listserv

Chris Sharpe and GPLS have the service up and running. There was a brief discussion and concern that people who were on the old google group had not moved to the new list. Tim Spindler agreed to send an announcement to the open-ils list just in case people were not aware of the change.

Reports Wishlist

Discussion revolved around what to do with items on the wish list. Each of us can also monitor the reports listserv (and open-ils listserv) and if specific items come up that should go to the wish list, then they could be added. Peoples should also be encouraged to flesh out ideas on the wish list. The wishlists should also be promoted.

Report Template Sharing

We also discussed how we handle sharing reports. There seemed to be general agreement that the best way currently is to create SQL statements that could be run that would put the templates under the admin login just as Equinox did for the canned reports they made available for 1.6. One example of a way to share is through some kind of repository. Tim Spindler pointed to this ( on the MassLNC site which is not meant to be a solution but a demonstration of what might be done. Tim will work on getting an export function on this so someone could download the SQL and will make available templates C/W MARS creates.

Reports RFP

Jenny Turner agreed to contact Christina to find out what may be going on with a GPLS RFP.

Third Party Reporting Tools

There was some discussion about the work Ben Shum was doing with SQL and emailing reports. Jeff Godin is also working on some methods for scheduled exports and will provide more information in the future. Jenny agreed to talk to Ben to see if he would be willing to contribute his information on the work he did to the documentation manual.

Meeting Format

There was some discussion about whether the chat session will work for meeting since the attendance was low. We discussed posing some information questions on the listserv to find out how others feel about using chat for the meeting.

evergreen-reports/meetings/2011-06-08.txt · Last modified: 2022/02/10 13:34 by

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