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Evergreen Reports Taskforce Meeting Minutes: 2011-11-09

Time: 2:30 pm Eastern

Place: #Evergreen IRC channel.

I. Introductions/Volunteer for Minutes

Present: Amy Terlaga (Bibliomation), Ben Shum (Bibliomation), Cristina Hernandez Trotter (Oconee Regional Library System, GA/PINES), Jason Etheridge (ESI), Steve Wills, Jeff Godin (TADL)

Jenny will compile the minutes.

II. Review and approval of Oct. Minutes

October meeting notes

No corrections were made to the minutes.

III. Old Business and updates

1. PINES/GPLS Reports RFP update, if any

  • The reports interface development project has been postponed due to lack of funds.
  • Cristina will let the taskforce know if anything else develops on this.

2. Documentation

  • Please review what exists and submit what is needed to Jenny (jennifer.turner(at)
    • Amy asked for clarification on sharing reports documentation.
    • Documentation can be emailed to Jenny directly (email above), sent to the reports listserv (, or linked to it on the DocuWiki page ( This last option is great if it is something that can't be easily integrated into the DIG documentation
  • * Cristina has linked her reports documentation to Evergreen Community wiki page under Community Tutorials.

3. Jeff Godin and JasperReports

  • Jeff reported that TADL went live with JasperReports last week. They are continuing to add reports.
  • TADL hopes to hope to have a public demo up before the end of the year.
  • It was hinted that this - and other reports-related topics - would be great presentations at the Evergreen Conference.

4. Evergreen reports training pre- or post-conference at Evergreen Annual Conference

  • No update at this time. Jenny volunteered to inquire about this after the meeting.
  • People should also start brainstorming ideas for a Reports Interest Group meeting at the conference

IV. New Business

  • PINES has started a reports list-serv locally for library staff to troubleshoot reports. Cristina reports that this has been a good way to share information. Jenny reminded the group that the could be used for sharing/problem solving in the greater Evergreen Community.

Next meeting: December 14, 2011

evergreen-reports/meetings/2011-11-09.txt · Last modified: 2022/02/10 13:34 by

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