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Evergreen Report Interest Group Meeting Agenda: 2016-5-9

Time: 3:00 pm Eastern

Place: #Evergreen IRC channel. Anyone interested in reports is welcome to attend.

  1. Introductions
  2. Review of reports-related conference programs. If you attended the session, share one thing you learned:
    1. Making the Most of Evergreen Reports (pre-conference)
    2. SQL for Humans (pre-conference)
    3. Digging Deeper: Acquisitions Reports in Evergreen
    4. Oops, I Accidentally Deleted Something (and other small problems): Bite-Sized Reports to Help You Find and Fix Problems in Your ILS
    5. Quick Reports
    6. Any others?
  3. New meeting schedule - quarterly?
    1. Possible future meeting topics (if time allows)
      1. Reports bug wrangling in launchpad
      2. Reports documentation review
evergreen-reports/meetings/2016-05-09.txt · Last modified: 2022/02/10 13:34 by

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