Evergreen Report Interest Group Meeting: 2020-09-22
- Time: 2 PM Eastern
- Place: Google Meet
- Introductions
- The meeting had 30 participants when we started intros!
- Report Bugs Discussion
- Gave a Launchpad orientation for those new to it.
- See the Evergreen Bug Wrangler FAQ for information on reporting, testing, and signing off on bugs.
- Highlights available for testing:
- Started testing during meetings. PINES turned Clark Kent on the server later, so testing could continue.
- Signed off after meeting
- Payment by billing type breakdown (signed off)
- New view that maps payment to all billing types it covers.
- Signed off after meeting
- Stated testing during meeting. Signed off after meeting.
- New bugs reported:
- Result of discussion on deleting shared report templates (see Open Reports Help Time below).
- Result of discussion started on the mailing list after the meeting
- Other bugs discussed:
- It would be helpful for fields to no longer be selected after adding them to Display Fields or Filters. That is covered in this bug: Web Client: Selected fields should be cleared after clicking Add Field button
- Regular Meeting Schedule Discussion
- Will meet the last Tuesday of the month, every other month
- Future Meeting Topic Discussion
- Topic ideas:
- Reporter Data Sources
- Transforms and Operators
- Nullability
- Open Reports Help Time
- Management for shared templates
- When another user runs a report off a template, the template cannot be deleted. Most admins reported that they create a hidden folder called "Trash" or similar and move templates that no longer work but can't be deleted to that folder.
- Also use hidden folders for creating and testing new templates. Creating separate folders for each new template you are working on may help with organization.
- PAILS(?) reported trouble on reports that have diacritics in titles and Bibliomation reported trouble with call number ranges - getting results outside of range, but no one else at the meeting had these specific issues.
evergreen-reports/meetings/2020-09-22.txt · Last modified: 2022/02/10 13:34 by