Table of Contents
Reports Wish Lists
Originally compiled at the 2011 Evergreen Conference.
Needed Reports
- Money owed from one library to another
- Patrons by statistical category Brian Feifarek In progress
- Money received by day and category
- Title list that could be loaded into a bucket or run without accessing the reports interface
- Missing data report: what records are missing x field
- Missing/inaccurate patron data fields
- What items patrons are borrowing from others(?)
- Collection development/collection analysis reports: gaps in the collection, items not checked out in x period of time; weeding report; turnover report; shelf list turnover report
- Inactive patrons Brian Feifarek In progress
- Average use of collection(s), average patron use
- Owed bill report with itemized transactions
Interface/Module Improvements
- More humanly-readable reports: List with titles/authors in “natural” case, spaces in call numbers ignored
- Obvious mistakes are dropped
- Reports that may be run without accessing the report interface; can be run with just a few clicks (e.g. “director’s station)
- Ability to tweak reports without cloning or recreating the entire report; e.g. change email address of recurring report without having to clone or recreate
- Export templates to share across libraries/Evergreen installations
- Auto-kill for hanging report (e.g. reports run for 30 minutes and then are killed)
- User-friendly interface
- SQL and statements to do multiple comparisons on a column
- 3rd party reporting tools: “do they work with EG?” list: GIST weeding report; Gift and deselection tool; fiscal reporting
evergreen-reports/taskforce_wish_lists.txt · Last modified: 2022/02/10 13:34 by