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Frequently Asked Questions

These are the frequently asked questions page for the list of Evergreen Paid Support Services

A note on the word "vendor": traditionally, a vendor is a merchant that sells products. Evergreen is not usually sold as a product, as it is freely available to all who want to use, modify, and/or distribute the software. In this document we're going to use vendor as a shorthand to refer to anyone, whether a company, or an individual, or a non-profit organization, that offers Evergreen "services" in exchange for money.

1) Should I use a vendor with Evergreen?

Though there is no requirement to use a vendor when using Evergreen, it may be convenient to do so. The software is freely available to be downloaded and installed by anyone, and there are no licensing fees or contracts required for using, distributing, or even modifying the software.

You should hire a vendor for the same reasons you would hire anyone–you want or need them to do work or you want or need to borrow their resources. With Evergreen you are free to develop in-house expertise in all aspects of the software, but you can also outsource it and develop in-house expertise at your own pace.

Most Evergreen libraries use vendors in some way or another and are successful. There are also successful organizations that are entirely self-sufficient with Evergreen. Common vendor services include:

  • hosting
  • support
  • training
  • consulting
  • customization
  • software development
  • data migration

Different libraries mix and match these services, performing some in-house and hiring a vendor for others.

2) What questions should I ask the vendor(s)?

The questions you may want to ask a vendor will vary by the type of work that you may want to use the vendor for. When hiring a vendor for migrating to Evergreen, one key first question to ask is if the vendor has ever migrated another customer from your current ILS to Evergreen. You may also want to ask for a reference of one of their customers who was migrated from that same ILS brand and/or version.

When hiring a vendor for support, make sure to ask how many library employees are allowed to submit support requests. Also, ask for expected response times to emergency help requests, and what hours of the days will they be available to respond to help requests.

When hiring a vendor for development, ask how long do you have to find bugs or issues in their development without inquiring extra costs.

When hiring a vendor for hosting, ask about their service-level agreements.

3) What information should I have available for the vendor(s)?

Vendors typically would like to know upfront if you require the use of an RFP. Also, vendors would like to know if there is a need to wait until an upcoming fiscal year start date to be able to pay them for their services. Additionally, be ready to provide basic facts about your library. For example, be ready to answer how many bib records does your library have, yearly circulations, number of patrons, and number of libraries. Also, what features will be required to be supported by Evergreen. For example, will you want to use serials, acquisitions, or self-check.

4) How do I use this vendor list?

This vendor list is provided as summary of vendors that have self-identified as companies or consultants that work with Evergreen. This list is intended to help save research time for existing or potential new members of the Evergreen community. The Evergreen community has required vendors to pass a limited set of requirements to be listed on this page, here are the requirements to be listed on the Evergreen Paid Support Services page. We strongly recommend that you always ask the vendors for references in the Evergreen community, or try to gather them yourself by asking around in the EG community.

faqs/evergreen_companies/faqs.1413493318.txt.gz · Last modified: 2022/02/10 13:34 (external edit)

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© 2008-2022 GPLS and others. Evergreen is open source software, freely licensed under GNU GPLv2 or later.
The Evergreen Project is a U.S. 501(c)3 non-profit organization.