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Roadmap for Evergreen 3.13

This is a list of major enhancements slated to be released in Evergreen 3.13. If you are working on (or about to work on) a non-trivial enhancement that will be code-complete no later the scheduled feature slush), please add it here. Please include links to Launchpad bugs, blueprints, and/or online specifications describing the feature.

REMINDER: This is not a wishlist of things that we would like to see in Evergreen 3.13, nor is this page meant to be a way of requesting sponsorships for a feature. Please add your project only if you are committed to working on it or funding it and you reasonably expect that it will be done in time for community review.

See the 3.12 Roadmap for examples.

Bugsquashing week



  • Ordering and Z39.50 port to Angular (Sprint A) LP2039609
  • Claims and invoices interfaces port to Angular (Sprint B) LP2006970


  • MARC editor port to Angular LP2006969
  • Add Library Groups to Angular Staff Catalog LP1949109 – pullrequested & signedoff
  • Angular staff catalog copy location group filtering support LP1861701 – pullrequested & signedoff
  • Add Count to Record Note Tab LP1991103merged
  • Shelving Location Groups admin screen accessibility LP2042879


  • Rename Any Parts label LP1902120
  • Experimental Angular Circulation update (alerts, messages, notes; accessibility)
  • Accessibility and Button Placement in patron search LP1615805 – pullrequested & signedoff
  • Color contrast and intensity in the patron bills grids LP2045292 – updated and pullrequested

Client/Staff Interface

  • eg-grid: Accessibility with tables that aren't really tables LP1615781 – pullrequested
    • Note the many additional bugs referenced in comment #3
  • Angular staff client navbar is not responsive LP1945498 – pullrequested & signedoff
  • Angular staff navbar needs ARIA attribute to indicate the current page LP2046820merged
  • Skip link for staff interfaces LP2017034 – updated and pullrequested
  • Stop using yellow buttons for normal operations LP2023803merged

Public Catalog

  • Eresource click tracking (LP1895695) – pullrequested
  • Create Carousel from Item Bucket and Item Status (LP1906859) – merged


  • Reports interface port to Angular LP1993823 – pullrequested
  • Reports security improvements LP2043142 – pullrequested

System Administration

faqs/evergreen_roadmap/3.13.1712337768.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/04/05 13:22 by sleary

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