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1.4 Feature Overview

This release adds functionality, configuration, and usability improvements in the following areas:

  • Improved administrative interfaces for defining organizations and permissions
  • Internationalization and localization
  • Multi-source Z39.50 search for staff
  • Pre-overdue (reminder) notices
  • Publication date filtering in advanced search
  • Preferred-language setting at both system and organizational level for search results
  • Web-based batch record importer/exporter bug fixes

Also see the full release notes

  • SlimPAC: Under uncommon circumstances, searches could ignore the requested search type (such as title or author) and always use keyword. Now subject, author, title, and keyword searches behave properly.
  • Closed Dates Editor (Staff Client, Local Admin): Dates did not always display, or displayed incorrectly.
  • Hold Shelf display (Staff Client, Circulation): If only one hold was on the hold shelf, it would not display.
  • Force This Action override (Staff Client, Circulation): Previously, multiple events tied to one item could not be overridden in one step.
  • Copy Details (OPAC): Copy information displayed incorrectly if organizational hierarchy was more than three levels deep. (Patch from James Fournie / SITKA).
  • Offline/Standalone Client: Transaction list would not clear unless the transactions were printed.
  • Hold Targeter: Enhancement to the holds targeter to make it more efficient and reduce load.
  • Spine Labels (Staff Client, Cataloging): The top margin of the first label was misaligned by a small amount.
  • Spine Labels (Staff Client, Cataloging): In item add, there was database lag time affecting label printing.
  • Authority Record Import (Staff Client, Z39.50 Importer): Authority record import not functioning correctly.
  • Patron Holds (Staff Client, Circulation): Displaying patron’s holds showed all the holds they had ever placed, whether active or not.
  • Z39.50 Client (Staff Client): When searching multiple sources, the display rendering could become unreadable.
  • Renewing Checkouts (Staff Client, Circulation): Critical fix for issues surrounding staff renewing multiple items for a patron. bug fixes

  • Give the admin user an explicit work org unit (required for certain actions)
  • Correct SlimPAC org unit depth selection for complex hierarchies
  • Default to a locale-aware MARC editor tooltip file
  • Fixed broken "Update fixed fields" in MARC editor – ticket #41
  • Supply a sane default set of fixed field editing widgets in the MARC editor for incorrectly coded records – will be included in the next 1.4.0.x release, see changeset 12712
  • Specify UTF-8 encoding for MARC View in the staff client
  • Name prefix was displaying first name in My Account – now displays the correct prefix
  • Accelerator key fixes for the cs-CZ locale
  • Fix regression in check-in and multi-item renew in the patron interface
  • Repair a broken report tranform ("First 5 characters", used for ZIP code truncation)
  • Use alert() instead of confirm() after a successful report template save action
  • Correct copy and call number display for deep and complex hierarchies
  • Add working copy/cut/paste context menus to all remote XUL textbox elements
  • Fix the PATRON_BARCODE macro in billing receipt templates
  • Improved migration loading script
  • Improved I18N in the OPAC and SlimPAC
  • Improve IE Dojo support
  • Upgrade-time audit table fixes
  • Fix Replace Barcode regression creating an empty barcode
  • Improved Safari browser support
  • Improved settings test script, adding support for testing all XMPP domains
  • Added a default index to speed up authority cross-ref lookup
  • General I18N cleanup
  • General typo repairs bug fixes

  • Expose vandelay and permacrud as public services in opensrf_core.xml.example. Note: if you are upgrading from a previous install of Evergreen 1.4, you must update your existing opensrf_core.xml file to include the same public services list as the new opensrf_core.xml.example, or replace your existing opensrf_core.xml and reconfigure from scratch.
  • Enable the "View reports" button to work in the reporter interface.
  • Use the correct locale in Dojo (xx-yy) vs. OpenSRF (xx-YY).
  • Correct 1.2 upgrade script to fix advanced search problems with bibliographic levels.
  • Make all constraints deferrable again to enable easier bulk data loading.
  • Make opensrf_core.xml.example default to logging to filesystem at a sane verbosity level. bug fixes

  • Fix date-handling in hold interfaces in OPAC "My Account" section.
  • Set Apache logging to a sane verbosity level in eg.conf.
  • Expose open-ils.fielder as a public service in opensrf_core.xml.example.
  • Tweak README for better install instructions.

More 1.4.0 information

history/feature_list_1_4_0.txt · Last modified: 2022/02/10 13:34 by

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