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When reading these summaries, note that positive amounts represent expenses while negative amounts represent income. Consequently, the amount $-29,114.80 in the overall summary means that Evergreen has a credit of $29,114.80 in our account with Conservancy.
Summary - Evergreen Project
$269,604.55 Expenses:Evergreen $130.00 Bad Debt $3,738.26 Banking Fees $250,182.60 Conferences $34,528.70 AV $850.00 Entertainment $73,598.19 Food $8,241.25 Honoraria $9,122.22 Materials $3,506.09 Badges $431.85 T-Shirts $3,376.73 Services $958.30 Registration $4,828.86 Travel $115,636.66 Venue $59,673.00 Food $70.02 Corporate Tax $488.51 Currency Conversion $6,250.00 Development $200.00 Grants $3,500.00 Graphic Design $72.00 Hosting:Domains $23.74 Postage $212.49 Promotional Items $4,106.68 Sales Tax $18.59 CA $24.84 MA $4,063.25 NC $15.25 Shipping $615.00 Trademark:Registration $-245,588.14 Income:Evergreen $-332.50 Advertising $-152,207.78 Conferences $-117,472.28 Registrations $-34,038.00 Sponsorship $-65.51 Currency Conversion $-91,980.29 Donations $-19.36 Interest:Dividend $-312.19 Royalties $-670.50 Sales $-53,131.22 Unearned Income:Evergreen:Conferences:Registrations -------------------- $-29,114.80
Generated using ledger -f evergreen.ledger -V -d "T&l<=5" bal '/^(Income|Expenses|Unearned Income):Evergreen/
Narrative changes since previous report
Since the 6 June 2016 report, activity on Evergreen's account with Conservancy includes:
- The ledger now records payment of the final invoice from the Sheraton via the Conservancy AMEX. As no additional expenses were recorded, the bottom line remains the same.
Summary of transactions booked since previous report
No new expenses or income was recorded since the 2016-06-06 report.
Generated using ledger -f evergreen.ledger -V -b 2016-06-06 -d "T&l<=5" bal '/^(Income|Expenses|Unearned Income):Evergreen/
Summary - Evergreen 2016 Conference
The overall summary of the 2016 conference (a net loss of $509.86) remains the same since the previous report.
$66,629.77 Expenses:Evergreen $130.00 Bad Debt $849.10 Banking Fees $61,587.42 Conferences $9,207.25 AV $850.00 Entertainment $43,029.16 Food $13.71 Honoraria $144.00 Materials $1,838.68 Services $6,504.62 Venue $4,063.25 Sales Tax:NC $-33,948.00 Income:Evergreen $-19,638.00 Conferences $-12,438.00 Registrations $-7,200.00 Sponsorship $-14,310.00 Donations $-32,171.91 Unearned Income:Evergreen:Conferences:Registrations -------------------- $509.86
Generated using ledger -f evergreen.ledger -V bal tag Program='Evergreen:Conferences:2016' and '/^(Income|Expenses|Unearned Income):Evergreen/
Summary - Evergreen Donations to the Software Freedom Conservancy
As no additional income to Evergreen was recorded since 2016-06-06, no donations to Conservancy were booked during this period.