Evergreen Oversight Board Minutes, January 17, 2012
Present: Elizabeth McKinney, Dan Scott, Amy Terlaga, Lori Bowen Ayre, Michele Montague, Jim Corridan, Steve Wills, Tim Daniels, Galen Charlton
The minutes of the last meeting were approved. Jim Corridan moved, Lori seconded.
Elizabeth asked if there were any new business for the agenda. No new business items were submitted.
Financial Budget Dan explained that we are about $5,000 in the black. This number is derived from subtracting the conservancy number from the final amount.
$-21,832.44 Income $-20,409.64 Evergreen $-1,422.80 Conservancy $15,369.54 Expenses:Evergreen
Trademarks Jim Corridan sent Bradley Indiana’s logos. For Michigan Evergreen, Michelle will refer this on to the Michigan office and they will contact Bradley. Michelle will report back to the Board by email.
Proposed Board Composition and Elections Galen looked at Sugar Labs’ election procedures. They have a committee that’s tasked with maintaining the membership role. As far as maintaining a membership list is concerned, it would be time consuming but doable, according to Galen. Sugar Labs uses a table on a wiki. Elizabeth suggested that we use the resource on the RSCEL website to get people to register. Dan and Galen preferred the simpler approach. Elizabeth wanted somewhere for someone to designate a voting entity. Elizabeth would like everyone to look at the Sugarlabs roster and compare it to the RSCEL website. Lori wondered if there was a middle ground between the two approaches. Galen suggested name, email address, and a statement of your qualifications for a membership application process. Perhaps a Google spreadsheet will work. Or if someone wanted to produce a database back-end, that could be a solution as well. A membership committee will be established. ONLINE VOTING: Galen referred again to the Sugarlabs model. Each voter would be able to go to the voting service, register their vote and make it anonymous. The service will automatically tally the votes. ACTION: Galen will try out Selectricity to see if that would serve our needs. The Board will participate in a mock election so we can see how well it works. Elizabeth wondered how we will get participants on the membership committee. Galen thought it a good idea to solicit volunteers from the broader community. Michelle asked if this is the nominating and membership development committee mentioned in Dan’s proposed rules of governance (2.5).
Galen suggested splitting the two committees. The nominating committee would deal with the nuts and bolts of the election process. Membership/elections committee could be responsible for outreach that would encompass nominations for the Oversight Board. Steve Wills likes the idea of soliciting outside of the Board for these committees so that others can be brought into the process. Galen volunteered to head up the membership/elections committee. Dan wondered if there is a need for the outreach committee. Lori said that the communications committee does some of this. If outreach isn’t needed, then the Oversight Board would be in charge of getting nominations for itself. Sugar Labs has only two formal committees – membership/elections and finance. The charge of the Oversight Board will be amended so that they would work with the membership/elections committee. ACTION: Galen will write up a formal proposal of this.
2012 Conference Committee Jim reported that they had 80 registered so far. For Tuesday night, the hotel is booked so they needed to secure 30 Rooms at the Westin next door. Programs will be posted by the end of the week. There are six sponsorships that have committed and $8,000 in sponsorships so far. If the Board has any vendors that they would like to see at the conference, send them to Jim and Shauna. Due to some incidents at other open source conferences, Dan suggested the implementation of an anti-harassment conference policy to be adopted at the 2012 conference. ACTION: Dan will pull something together and send to the rest of the Board.
Lori suggested that Evergreen join the blackout to protest SOPA and PIPA legislation being considered by Congress. Galen said that this should be brought to Bradley first to see if there would be a conflict with our SFC membership. ACTION: Lori will contact Bradley and copy the rest of the list.
2013 Conference Committee Ben Hyman sent an email update. He hopes to have secured the venue by this time next month, latest. Other pieces being planned or underway for launch in time for EG 2012.
Open Time Question – Steve Wills wondered if the following amendment to the rules of governance had been voted on and accepted:
Ad-Hoc Event Committees
The Oversight Board shall create ad-hoc committees and task forces as necessary to co-ordinate Events including, but not limited to, conferences and seminars. Such committees and task forces shall have the power and duties to create plans, budgets and materials.
Such a committee shall submit a budget to the board for approval prior to implementing their assigned event. Upon approval of the budget, by the Oversight Board, and for the duration of the committee's task, the committee shall have the power to implement plans and create materials. The SFC shall be directed to work with designees of the committee to execute transactions within the constraints of the approved budget without the need for further intervention by the board. The committee will report to the Oversight Board on a monthly basis for the purpose of review and input.
Steve Wills made the motion to accept the amendment. Dan Scott seconded it. The motion passed unanimously.
The meeting adjourned at 2:10pm.