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Evergreen Oversight Board - 2013 Conference Budget
January 31, 2012
Present: Elizabeth McKinney, Amy Terlaga, Bradley Kuhn, Shauna Borger, Steven Elfstrand, Steve Wills, Val Brand-Ita, Ben Hyman, Jim Corridan, Galen Charlton
Elizabeth wanted to move the approval of the 2013 conference budget along. There is a February 7th deadline that the conference committee has with the hotel and conference center.
Elizabeth summarized the online email discussions. Bradley summarized the risk he saw in the 2013 budget. There was a question regarding Indiana’s budget. As of today, two-thirds of the expected income has come in. If they needed to, they could make $10,000 worth of cuts, but they are pretty confident that they’ll make their budget. They’re following up on their sponsors to nail down more sponsorships. Vendor booths – six of twelve have been sold. Indiana is ahead of schedule in getting their revenue in.
The 2013 budget
Ben explained that since so much of the conference budget is a la carte and not mandatory, they can chop if needed if they didn’t get the sponsorships that they needed. Elizabeth would like it to be understood that the plan should be to remain in the black as they lead up to the conference and it is better to leave in all food options for now. Elizabeth thinks that high speed internet should handle up to three devices per person and even if attendees have to pay for it, this should be made available. Steve Wills wondered about the room number block obligations as part of the contract. The language reflects flexibility. Val explained that they’re dealing with a university and not a hotel and that makes a difference. Val would also like to see if they can get more rooms if necessary at the discounted rate. Bradley will make sure that Tony pursues that as an option. Elizabeth asked about insurance for the conference. Bradley has a few calls into insurance agents for liability insurance to cover all of their conferences. This could also be removed from the contract. Bradley commented that the SFC is taking on the risk with this conference by not having a wealthy agent underwrite this conference.
Elizabeth called the vote on the 2013 conference budget. Do you agree to approve the amended budget as sent by Ben Hyman earlier today? The vote passed unanimously. (Consent in absentia: Jed Moffitt, Dan Scott, Michele Montague)
Does everyone agree to have the Conservancy sign the contract or by getting us a better deal with more discounted rooms as negotiated? The vote passed unanimously.
The meeting adjourned at 1:27pm