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Evergreen Oversight Board Meeting
Tuesday, April 17, 2012
Present: Elizabeth McKinney, Amy Terlaga, Lori Bowen Ayre, Michele Montague, Steven Elfstrand, Jim Corridan, Jason Etheridge, Galen Charlton
The Board agreed that they were okay with the SFC trademark policy sent to the Board by Bradley Kuhn on April 13th.
The Board will meet at the Evergreen Conference at 4pm on Thursday. We will meet with Bradley to go over a few outstanding issues, like the trademark policy, the conflict of interest policy, etc. He will also help us with the budget report. We will also discuss the online elections.
Bradley would like the meeting announcement and minutes to go to the SFC Board mailing list in addition to our Board mailing list.
64 x 64 Logo
We need a square version of the existing Evergreen logo. Elizabeth has someone she can use to do this. Also a favicon (to the left of the URL) is needed.
Also a new logo design might be desired somewhere down the road. Lori has a graphic designer that could be used.
2012 Conference Committee
Attendance is high for this year’s conference. Last year – 180 attendees. This year – 271 registered. Six countries represented – United States, Canada, Netherlands, Finland, Mexico, Wales.
Question: For the Board update at the conference, what will we cover? The election will be covered; the trademark policy (Elizabeth), conflict of interest policy (Steve Wills), how the conference committee and other ad hoc groups work, rules of governance will be covered (Elizabeth). Bradley will go over the financial budget.
We will mention our participation in the Google Summer of Code Conference, the Board’s endorsement of this. Galen will talk about this. We can also discuss our future plans, based on available funds.
We will begin our meeting at 8am, then move into a breakfast community discussion. Questions like - What should we be focusing on as a community? Lori will lead the discussion. If we come across any good ideas for discussion while we talk to conference attendees, we should share them with Lori.
Proposed Board Composition and Elections
Board member had questions about the election process. Elizabeth said that this first election process will be a learning process this first go around. The bylaws state that we should have winners by the end of the conference. The announcement that the voting will happen soon will go out by the end of the day tomorrow. Three positions are turning over and we have two candidates. The vote will be for just these three positions. Jed Moffitt, Michele Montague and Tim Daniels will be rotated off. Ben Hyman is one of the nominees. There will be a little bio for each nominee. Elizabeth will email the general list, asking for nominations by Friday, 4/20, at noon. Voting will begin Monday, 4/23, and end Friday night, 4/27. The three new Board members will be announced Saturday, 4/28 at the Board meeting.
The meeting adjourned at 1:53am.