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Evergreen Oversight Board Meeting
Wednesday, November 14, 2012
Present: Amy Terlaga, Galen Charlton, Jim Corridan, Ben Hyman, Dan Scott, Elizabeth McKinney
1. Review of minutes from previous meeting
Galen asked for questions or comments. Dan moved to accept. Jim seconded. Minutes were approved.
2. Financial Report
Financial Report as of Nov. 14, 2012:
$53,626.73 Expenses:Evergreen $430.43 Banking Fees $51,580.58 Conferences $4.81 Currency Conversion $72.00 Hosting $1,538.91 SoC Mentor Summit 2012 $-77,516.31 Income:Evergreen $-62,565.25 Conferences $-47.83 Currency Conversion $-14,898.97 Donations $-4.26 Interest $-1,141.44 Unearned Income:Evergreen:Conferences
Dan explained that the difference between this report and last month’s is that there’s approximately $7,000 in conference expenses.
3. Evergreen Web Team/Communications Committee Report
Due to Lori’s absence, this report was tabled until the next Board meeting.
4. Evergreen 2013 Conference Committee Report
Ben reported that the budget meeting is later this week. Budget report will be provided at the next Board meeting. 55 registrations so far. 264 rooms reserved. They’ve exhausted local sponsorship opportunities. First draft of the program is complete.
Galen asked about the programs. Is the committee comfortable with the programs received? Ben reported yes, they are looking good. Dan Scott talked to Google. He will be requesting that they provide a sponsorship for the conference.
2014 Conference Planning Committee Proposals are due on Monday, November 26. Decision will be made sometime in December.
5. Acceptance of Evergreen by the Google Doc Camp
The DIG proposal was accepted by the Google Doc Camp. Google has held this camp before. There is a workshop to provide an alternative approach to writing documentation. They provide a wiki-type style of technology. The final three days the participants are focused on writing. At the end, there is a book to show. The book is focused around a particular idea. The Evergreen idea will be focused on what needs to do to get up on production. Google pays for room and food. There may be some subsidizing of travel. Dates are December 3-December 7. Kathy Lussier, Lyndsey Stratton, Jim Keenan, Robert Soulliere, and Dan Scott will be participating. Galen asked to see if Google would be reimbursing the SFC for any travel expenses they incur with this. Dan thinks that everyone may have booked their flights already.
6. Grants and fundraising
Elizabeth put out an email looking for volunteers for grant writing. She didn’t get any replies. She is looking for suggestions from the Board – how to do some brainstorming on this. Galen mentioned that the developers suggested improvements to Postgres as a possible funded project. Elizabeth wants to know how we can gather this kind of information from the community. Galen thinks that if we make this the topic of our next community wide meeting. Galen could call one. Kathy Lussier could help, too. It was decided to hold one sometime in the first two weeks in December. Elizabeth would like Lori to participate in this discussion. Galen also suggested that some of these projects might be funded just by one library so this may raise the visibility to interested funders. Galen asked Dan to get as much of the Postgres project articulated as possible. He will work with Mike Rylander on that. Galen will run wording by Elizabeth and Lori before he puts the call out for the community meeting.
The meeting adjourned at 12:32pm. The next meeting will be held on December 12th, 12noon EST.