Evergreen Oversight Board Minutes
Wednesday, January 9, 2013
Attending: Steve Wells, Rogan Hamby, Kathy Lussier, Lori Ayre, Galen Charlton, Ben Hyman, Jim Corridan, Dan Scott, Elizabeth McKinney (Minutes taken by Rogan Hamby)
Meeting called to order at 12:05 (all times EST)
12:05 Review of minutes, no comments, motion to accept by Jim, seconded by Rogan, no objections
12:06 Dan gave financial report (copied here from email sent before the meeting), no questions from board
[paste begin]
2. Financial Report
$ ledger -f evergreen.ledger -V -d "T&l<=4" bal '/^(Income|Expenses|Unearned Income):Evergreen/'
$49,616.03 Expenses:Evergreen $670.53 Banking Fees $94.90 AMEX $36.00 Foreign Collection $99.10 Google Checkout $392.42 PayPal $23.11 Square Up $25.00 Wire Transfer Fees $48,858.99 Conferences $48,035.63 2012 $34.93 2013 $788.42 Doc Sprint 2012 $14.51 Currency Conversion $72.00 Hosting:Domains $-82,841.30 Income:Evergreen $-66,090.24 Conferences $-50,327.70 2012 $-15,762.54 2013 $-47.83 Currency Conversion $-16,698.97 Donations $-12,653.90 Equinox $-1,140.00 GPLS $-2,750.00 Google $-155.07 Individual $-4.26 Interest:Dividend $-9,548.79 Unearned Income:Evergreen:Conferences:2013
Last transaction was entered on January 5th, 2013, so this appears to be pretty much up to date.
[paste end]
12:07 Web Team and Communications report.
Steve has begun looking at the static PHP content in the Git repository and feels that it should be straightforward to build a utility that will extract that content and prepare it for Drupal’s XML format. He and Lori will follow up with the web and communications list about this. Although Steve hasn’t had a lot of help from others at this point he will continue to move forward with everyone’s blessings and Galen pointed out that perhaps this large amount of automated work will help kickstart efforts and contributions by others. Lori and Steve will report again next month. Both felt that they will need to recruit more people into the effort and assess the abilities of the volunteers they have.
12:12 Ben's conference report, sent separately, is copied here:
[paste begin]
4. Evergreen 2013 Conference Committee Report
Program looking really good - thanks to all for suggestions/participation and willingness
67 conference registrants (41 early/26 regular) - this needs to come up - see below
78% of the room block booked - several rooms are booked with no corresponding conference registration
$28,300 in sponsorship commitments/slightly less collected; SFC just approved a revised price schedule with new sponsorship opportunities yesterday
Social events looking really good!
Later this month we meet with the venue to begin solidifying A/V requirements and catering; we need to develop contract addendum's for SFC signature in these two areas sometime in February, most likely. This is slightly delayed, but not a concern
Budget; still planning within approved overall budget envelope. Will circle back pending A/V & catering requirements.
Beginning to mind meld with eg14.
We need people to register. We'll be doing a big push on registration soon, once the speaker bios and social event info is up on the website.
It's going to be an awesome conference!
[paste end]
Dan is following up on asking Google about a sponsorship, pushing for a lunch sponsorship and is waiting for their response now. Ben also added that there are new sponsorship opportunities and a new price list that he is excited about.
12:14 Oversight meeting during conference is tentatively planned for a breakfast meeting Friday the 12th at 8 AM. Ben will confirm there is a room available.
12:18 Report on 2014 conference. Kathy - sites are being looked at for 2014 and they are looking at the Cambridge area for a combination of convenience and affordability. The proposal will also be published publicly.
12:20 Oversight board elections. Jim, Amy, Lori and Dan are stepping down this year. Galen proposed that the term of Oversight Board members end at the end of the Evergreen Conference, Rogan noted that this is what was discussed during the conference last year and he hasn't seen an objection to doing that and seconded it. Dan asked for clarification if this was an amendment to the rules of governance or one time motion. He pointed out that since it depends on a conference and the date is vague it has some issues in terms of governance.
The issue of term limits was also raised. Galen noted that there are currently no term limits and if there were a shortage in volunteers then it would be beneficial to be able to have existing board members run again. He also pointed out that before the conference we should have candidates announced so that the community can evaluate them before voting at the conference.
The motion was reworded by Galen: the term of outgoing members will end at the conclusion of the 2013 Evergreen Conference or April 30th 2013, whichever happens first. The vote is only for members leaving the board this year. New discussions will have to be held as to how to do this in the future. Lori seconded, no further discussion, passed unanimously, no abstentions. Elizabeth voted by email since she had to be on mute
12:29 Galen noted that there were two issues to look at before the conference, the voting mechanism itself and looking for candidates to run. Jim noted that there was a nominations committee last year that consisted of him and Elizabeth though anyone in the community was free to nominate himself or herself or someone else. Kathy and Steve have volunteered to fill that capacity this year.
12:34 Grants. Galen is still looking at a possible opportunity with the Gates Foundation and will report back at the next meeting.
Lori asked if we had looked at some kind of swag to sell for fund raising. Dan suggested we should push this out into the broader community and see if we can find anyone to pick it up, Galen suggested maybe a design a t-shirt and sell it like Code4Lib does or other swag and that maybe we should get feedback from conservancy.
Galen suggested that Amy has expressed interest and even if she moves off the board that hopefully she can be convinced to continue working on this.
After a brief discussion about reusable bags we continued to discuss grants. Steve noted that a consortium he works with got a grant and wondered what part the Oversight board could play in grants. Ben noted some concerns about the board acting in any fiscal agent roles because of our agreement with the Conservancy and how that percentage share could affect large projects. However, the consensus was that the board could act as an informational clearinghouse to help facilitate projects that others are doing on their own right now (such as the Acquisitions funding in 2.3). Steve and Lori will continue looking at this with the Web and Communications group.
12:59 Last minute business – none
1:00 Next meeting scheduled for Noon EST Feb 13th, same bat time same bat channel, no conflict with Code4Lib
1:01 Adjournment, called by Galen, seconded by Rogan no objections