Evergreen Oversight Board Evergreen International Conference Hood River, Oregon May 14, 2015 7:30 p.m. PDT
Members Present:
- Ben Hyman
- Buzzy Nielsen
- Yamil Suarez
- Ruth Frasur, Member Elect
- Andrea Buntz Neiman
- Rogan Hamby
- Grace Dunbar
- Tim Spindler, Member Elect
- Kathy Lussier
- Ben Shum
- Chris Sharp
- Chauncey Montgomery
Members Absent:
- Sharon Herbert, Member Elect
- Terran McCanna
- Jason Boyer
- Galen Charlton
- Buzzy Nielsen
New EOB Member Vote Certification:
Chris Sharp - motion to certify Rogan Hamby - second Motion passed.
Financial Report
Financial Report will be reviewed after the conference.
Developer's Report
Developer’s Report will be given to full conference.
Fundraising for Evergreen
Board has approved funding for outreach. Launching next week.
Logos on the website for donors
Memberships in the Evergreen Community
- difficult to contribute funds as a government agency
- voluntary membership structure
- membership
Rogan -
- no tie to some sort of decision-making privileges
- no tie to voting
- tiered sponsorship model
- discounted conference registration?
targeted fundraising for ALA outreach
There was extended discussion about the nature of membership and what sorts of projects would be funded with those proceeds.
emergency fund - not much progress in knowing what is possible/involved
SFC Discussion
10% of revenue - cannot be reduced
do we need all the services the SFC provides?
found an alternative organization that does similar work
survey the community about services SFC provides and which the community considers valuable
There was an extended discussion about communication and other issues with the SFC.
The conclusion was to continue a community review of the value of SFC services as opposed to other options.
- We have consulted with Karen Sandler of the SFC so she is aware of our review
- Software in the Public Interest (SPI) - we have reached out but have not gotten a response
- Self-incorporation option
Buzzy - offered help for 501c3 incorporation
Conference Report - Buzzy Nielsen
- 121 people
- positive feedback
- only minor issues
- hotel has been very nice
- $4500 hotel fees
- waiving $25,000 food and beverage charges
- anticipated net of $8,000
- good feedback from hotel staff
- Grace will be following up with vendors who didn’t exhibit this year.
- Need to be scheduling conferences further in advance.
- Grace will be providing Buzzy with post-conf survey
Election of Officers
- Ben Shum - chair
- Yamil Suarez - vice chair
- Chris Sharp - Secretary and Liason to SFC
Conference Planning - EOB - Grace
Beth Longwell Jason Boyer
EOB Representative to Conference Committee: Chauncey Montgomery
Merchandising: Ruth Frasur
Outreach Rep: Grace Dunbar
Other Business
not a lot of revenue for merchandising
- ethically sourced
- American-made option
- high resulting price
trademark issues
- initial contact from community member
- provide opportunity to correct behavior
- escalate to SFC as necessary
- Rogan will continue.
Representative to SFC Role:
- mouthpiece of the Board to Conservancy
- resource in the case of friction
Action Items:
- Advise SFC of membership changes - Kathy
- Announce officers to General list