Evergreen Oversight Board Meeting
April 21, 2016, 12:30 p.m. Raleigh, North Carolina
- Grace Dunbar, Chair
- Yamil Suarez, Vice-Chair
- Chris Sharp, Secretary
- Ruth Frasur
- Amy Terlaga
- Andrea Buntz Neiman
- Chauncey Montgomery
- Tim Spindler
- Sharon Herbert
Incoming Members
- Garry Collum
- Terran McCanna
- Mike Rylander
- Ron Gagnon
Representative to the Conservancy
- Clarification on the role of the Rep
- VOTE: Amy Terlaga will be the new Board Representative to the Conservancy - motion passed
Conference management and the SFC/Conference Committee Update
- Issues for 2016's conference / Tanya
- Emails that created extra stress
- Need to look at relationship between EOB, SFC, and Conference committee
- Not provided with a clear set of expectations about who had authority to do what
- Didn’t know the right questions to ask
- Sponsorships
- Conflict of interest to have a point of contact be a vendor
- Grace, Chris, and Chauncey started a document to assist with handoff of conference information to the next committee
- Clarification of roles
- Options available to us
- Third party to help with conference planning?
Committee Chair Updates
- Outreach Committee
- Should the Merch committee be part of Outreach?
- VOTE: Ruth - motion to make the Merchandising Committee a subcommittee - motion passed
- Request to approve purchase of more pens - deferred to next meeting
- Fundraising - Outreach Committee will take this issue up at their next meeting
Evergreen ILS Community Annual Report
- Consensus agreement about the format of the 2015 report
- We want to continue with these in the future
Web Team Committee - tabled
Safety Committee
- Ruth, Mike, and Tim will join the Safety Committee
- VOTE: Up to $1000 approved to purchase lanyards - motion passed
Financial Update
- Financial status will settle post-conference
Executive Session discussion and wording to incorporate into the Governance Rules
- Meetings about sensitive topics
- Robert’s Rules of Order as a template
- Ruth will draft an email with that language
governance/minutes/2016-04-21.txt · Last modified: 2022/02/10 13:34 by