1. Oversight Board Member Introductions
2. Minutes/Actions from last meeting -
- Reconciling the 2016 numbers between Tanya's budget tracking spreadsheet and the Conservancy's ledger. (Grace)
- Most of the numbers on Tanya's spreadsheet are correct for the # and amount of EventBrite registrations, the # and amount of Sponsorships/Exhibitors, the payables to the hotel, etc.
- There were a few small errors and omissions
- Refunds to attendees were not tracked
- Bad debt registrations were not noted.
- The SFC's percentage was miscalculated.
- This brings us closer to reconciliation but I'm awaiting a response from the SFC on whether there are any outstanding invoices before I recommend closing out the books.
- See full email here:
- Run reports as needed for graced to perform the reconciliation. (Galen)
- Scheduling the first ROGER meeting via Doodle. (Ruth/Tim)
- Send revised Executive Session wording for review. (Grace)
- Investigate OSS grants. (Sharon)
3. Financial Update (Galen)
- The Project is $29,114.80 in the black.
- There was an issue of bad debt and general accounting practices that are potential issues we should discuss.
4. Committee Reports
- Conference Committee
- Update on the 2017 process. (Grace)
- Outreach Committee Business (Kathy)
- 24 people attended the Evergreen meetup at ALA. All attendees were either current Evergreen users or, in one case, a person from a library that will be moving to NC Cardinal soon. We talked about Evergreen's history, upcoming major projects, like the web client, more immediate goals for 2.11, and ways to become involved in the community. I will be sending a follow-up e-mail to participants with further information.
- Release Manager's Report (Mike)
- Rules of Governance Review Committee (Tim)
5. Other New Business
- SFC responsiveness (mailing list and officer updates)
governance/minutes/2016-7-21.txt · Last modified: 2022/02/10 13:34 by