Table of Contents
TEP meeting: January 11, 2021
- Chris Burton
- Chris Owens
- Jason Boyer
- Jeanette Lundgren
- Tiffany Little
- Jessica Woolford
- Debbie Luchenbill
- Anna Goben
Absent: None
- Discussion of call with Dilly
- Discussion regarding next steps with 2021 hotel venue
Motion from Galen Charlton: Ask MOBIUS to continue negotiations with the hotel under the directions of their attorney. We request that their attorney set up an initial meeting with Dilly to coordinate strategy. We also move that MOBIUS provide a monthly report to TEP Board of the status.
Second: Jessica Woolford
Vote: All approved.
Discussion Items:
- Galen is working with the conference committee to submit a proposed budget for the 2021 online conference.
Action Items:
- Debbie will update Donna on the TEP's vote, and has already updated her on the officers' call with Dilly.
- Dale (MOBIUS attorney) will contact Dilly.
governance/minutes/2021-01-11.txt · Last modified: 2022/02/10 13:34 by