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Criteria for New Website: Content and Functionality User Stories

This page is for final refinement of the User Stories created by the EG community.

When planning a new website, it's important to make sure that we consider 1) all of the various groups of users that will be using the new website, as well as 2) all of the various tasks that each group of users will need to perform upon the site. We develop the website's requirements by exhaustively collecting and cataloging these various tasks. The process we use for doing so is called "User Stories." User stories are simple descriptions of features, written in plain English, that help us effectively plan a new website.

This document contains user stories collected from the Evergreen community and refined through collaborative discussion. As described below, there are two main kinds of requirements: functionality-related requirements and content-related requirements. Since different groups of website users have different requirements, some user stories may only apply to certain user groups, e.g., "Evergreen Developer" or "Potential Evergreen Implementers." In addition, some groups may have certain content requirements but no separate functionality requirements, and vice versa.

Defining our User Groups

"Potential" users are those considering an implementation of Evergreen for their organization.

"Administrator" users administer or maintain an existing Evergreen implementation.

"Consultant" users provide services to one or more Evergreen-using organizations.

"Skeptic" users are potential users that are explicitly unsure of open source development methodology, support models, open source ILS in general, or Evergreen specifically.

"Migration" users are planning or in the middle of a migration to Evergreen.

"Standalone" users are existing or potential Evergreen users of a single-library implementation of Evergreen.

"Developer" users are developers of Evergreen software.

"Extenders" include third-party developers, integrators, and other "unofficial" developers with an interest in Evergreen development and source code.

"Install" users are seeking information about Evergreen software repositories and related downloads.

"Documentors" help create and maintain the official Evergreen project documentation.

"Translators" participate in translating the Evergreen software and/or documentation.

"Accessibility" users participate in ensuring Evergreen software, documentation, and website are as accessible to as many users as possible.

"Governance" users are members of the Evergreen Governance Committee

"Webmasters" maintain the existing website and underlying infrastructure

"LIS" users are professors, teachers, or students interested in studying Evergreen and other ILS software in a LIS or other academic context.

Functionality-related Requirements

User stories can be related to website functionality, such as activities, applications, and tasks that users perform. For instance, an online event calendar that allows committees to schedule recurring monthly meetings is an example of a functionality-related user story.

A. All Users

The following requirements are applicable to all users of the Evergreen website:

1. Website users can browse through all of the website content, organized by categories.

2. Website users can use a search field to search all of the content on the website.

3. Website users can sign up to get email notifications about certain news items in the Evergreen community.

4. Website users can complete an optional profile describing themselves, their organization, and their organization's use of Evergreen. This will allow website users to find and contact other users with similar background, experience, geographical area, or other shared information.

5. Website users can add resources, including file attachments and/or third-party URLs, to an online resource directory available to other users.

B. Evergreen Administrators

1. Administrators can participate in an online forum to ask questions and share best practices with other Administrators.

2. Administrators can participate in a special online forum (called "the feature percolator") where possible new Evergreen features are brainstormed and discussed before optionally being submitted to the official Launchpad system.

3. Administrators on the website can easily reach the Bug Reporting feature on Launchpad.

C. Evergreen Developers, Documentors, and Consultants

1. Documentors and Developers can maintain the official project documentation in a repository apart from the community EG resource/contribution library.

2. Developers and Consultants can participate in the Administrator "feature percolator" discussion forum mentioned above as well as view the forums in detail.

D. Governance users

1. Governance users can easily add content to the website as needed.

2. Governance users can easily generate a report of website users that have completed the user or organizational profiles mentioned above.

E. Webmasters

1. Webmasters can easily manage and update the website, including the ability to delegate permissions to other users.

2. Webmasters can easily identify and purge outdated content.

Content-related Requirements

User stories can also be related to content on the website, such as specific documents, materials, multimedia, or pages. For instance, having a special page on the website explaining the benefits of Evergreen to people who don't currently use it is an example of a content-related user story.

A. Content requirements applicable to all users.

1. Users can find updated information on connecting with EG community via IRC, mailing lists, and other formats.

2. Users can learn about news and developments in the EG community.

3. Users can browse or search a categorized collection of Evergreen-related resources.

B. Content requirements applicable to Potential users.

1. Users can view a “one-pager” offering a high-level overview of both EG software and the EG community.

2. Users can view contextual background information on Open Source Software.

3. Users are directed to visit a “Considering Evergreen?” web page which offers a guided introduction to EG resources, created by EG community experts. (This page presents links to decision-making information in a logical order, aimed at the potential implementer.)

4. Users can browse or search a categorized collection of resources aimed at potential implementers.

5. Users can submit a question via webform which is emailed to EG community members/mentors for answering.

6. Users are directed to a demo “sandbox” implementation of Evergreen.

7. Users can search for an EG Service Provider based on certain criteria.

8. Users can search for existing EG libraries based on certain criteria.

9. Users can search for individuals in the EG Community based on certain criteria.

C. Content requirements applicable to Migration users.

1. User can access (browse/search) a hierarchically-categorized collection of resources aimed at libraries performing a migration.

2. Users encountering problems during migration are encouraged to join and participate in the general mailing list for assistance.

D. Content requirements applicable to Consultant users.

1. Users can view a list of potential Evergreen related service providers and request that her organization be added to the list.

2. Users can view a “one-pager” offering a high-level overview of both EG software and the EG community.

E. Content requirements applicable to Extender and Install users.

1. Users can find information on Evergreen software repositories and how to use them.

2. Users can download test marc, copy, and user data.

3. Users are easily directed to on-site and off-site (Launchpad) discussion, specs, or documentation describing features.

4. Users are easily directed to DIG-maintained information on how to build, rebuild, and update Evergreen.

5. Users are easily directed to on-site and off-site information, discussion, and examples of ways to configure Evergreen.

F. Content requirements applicable to Skeptic users.

1. Users can find out why open source is a good idea.

2. Users can learn about the differences between Evergreen and Koha.

3. Users can see clearly that people using Evergreen are happy with their choice by finding existing users/community members willing to be contacted.

4. Users can view curated case studies of successful Evergreen migration and implementation projects.

G. Content requirements applicable to Standalone users.

1. Users can find a page of resources for stand alone Evergreen libraries.

2. Users can find and contact other stand alone libraries that have moved to Evergreen.

H. Miscellaneous content requirements

1. Developers, Documentors, and potential Documentors are directed to on-site or DIG-maintained documentation for procedures on submitting code to the the community.

2. Developers and Documentors can see documentation and tutorials on Evergreen system architecture.

3. Developers can see a list of other developers she can contact for advice.

4. Documentors and potential Documentors can access a high-level overview of project documetnation efforts describing people, organizations, teams, and processes involved.

5. Translators can access a high-level overview of project translation efforts describing people, organizations, teams, and processes involved.

6. Accessibility users can access a high-level overview of project accessibility efforts describing people, organizations, teams, and processes involved.

7. LIS users can access a high-level overview of the Evergreen project organized in a way to help professors and students study it in an LIS or other academic context.

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webteam/user_stories/2011.txt · Last modified: 2022/02/10 13:34 by

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© 2008-2022 GPLS and others. Evergreen is open source software, freely licensed under GNU GPLv2 or later.
The Evergreen Project is a U.S. 501(c)3 non-profit organization.