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Community meeting: March 1, 2011

Held at:

  • 11:00:00 a.m. Tuesday March 1, 2011 in America/Los_Angeles
  • 02:00:00 p.m. Tuesday March 1, 2011 in Canada/Eastern
  • 07:00:00 p.m. Tuesday March 1, 2011 in UTC

Last meeting's minutes: 2011-01-25


Prior to the meeting

  • Please fill out Who's who if you want to be identified more readily in the future

Agenda & Minutes

  1. (5 minutes) Introductions / roll call; paste "/me is <name> <affiliation>" to identify who you are and what organization, if any, you represent
  2. (2 min) Find a volunteers to:
    1. Run the meeting: Kathy Lussier
    2. Take minutes: Anoop Atre
  3. (10 min) Review action items from last meeting
    1. KCLS OPAC Status
      • STATUS: Bill Erickson will send out kcls/opac news (server-side opac work) to the dev list shortly, which is opac-related, but not really repository related. He is going to "introduce" the server-side opac work being done for kcls and hopefully kick off a discussion on how the work can be used in Evergreen proper. Still need to get some feedback from them on the public access for the repo. Deferred to next meeting for follow up.
    2. Dan Scott to add link for ways to "Contribute" to About Us page
      • STATUS: Tabled for now, will be re-visited after the communications team recommendations have been looked through.
    3. Brian Feifarek to update community server, Jason Etheridge to update
      • STATUS: Acq demo server is now updated to 2.0.2
      • Action: Amy Terlaga will follow-up with Brian Feifarek and Lori Ayre via email about community servers upgrade.
    4. Lori is collecting success stories and will work with Web team to post once she has 5 or 6.
      • STATUS: Deferred to next meeting.
    5. Dan Scott to add link to security mailing list to web contact / mailing list info.
      • STATUS: Done. Link is also available on mailing lists page.
  1. (5 min) Communications committee & Website Team report and discussion.
    • A survey has been put out on the general list as an opportunity for all Evergreen users to provide their feedback on the current website and what they'd like to see on the next version of the Evergreen community website. The survey includes those items created from the web team's user stories these are content and functionality requirements for the new site. Hoping to prioritize these requirements.
    • The website group, which is a sub-group of the web team is performing an inventory of the current website to see what's currently there and relevant. Will be making some recommendations soon for improvements to the current site and post them along with our findings to the website once completed.
  2. (5 min) Conference committee
    • As of yesterday, 115 people had registered for the April conference. The program has been posted to the conference website - detailed descriptions of these programs. Currently planning extracurricular activities.
    • A tentative schedule for the hackfest/interest group day has been worked out and will post soon for these interest groups, looks like two in the morning (10am-12noon) and two in the afternoon (2pm-4pm)
    • The committee ran a survey of the interest groups, to see which ones would be most popular. DIY (Do It Yourself) Evergreen for sysadmins won by a slinder margin.
    • Action: Amy Terlaga will put an e-mail to the list for volunteers with the DIY interest group
    • Volunteers for DIG have been found, need to track down their names.
    • Action Track down DIG volunteer names.
  3. (5 min) Documentation Interest Group
    • DIG report: Report
    • Problem accessing, from outside North America, to our subdomain seems to have been resolved.
  4. (5 min) Reports Taskforce report
    • Need volunteers to help beef up documentation on reports – both the outline of what’s needed on the DIG wiki and actual documentation for reporting (SQL, other ‘advanced’ topics).
    • Action: Need to send out a call for volunteers to help beef up documentation on reports – both the outline of what’s needed on the DIG wiki and actual documentation for reporting (SQL, other ‘advanced’ topics).
  5. (5 min) Developer report
    • A recent summary of dev things that might be of most interest to the broader community: Report
  6. (5 min) Governance Committee report
    • It was that decided we need at least minimal rules of governance for the initial board before joining the Conservancy. Working on a list of who from the governance committee will be on that initial board and what their affiliation will be (if any). Hopefully we'll have something to present at the conference which will be on Saturday, April 30 11:45-12:30. Latest discussion:
  7. (5 min) Schedule next meeting: April 1, 2011. 11:00 a.m. in America/Los Angeles, 2:00 p.m. in Canada/Eastern, 7:00 p.m. in UTC.
community/meetings/2011-03-01.txt · Last modified: 2022/02/10 13:34 by

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