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Community meeting: September 23, 2011

Held at:

  • 11:00:00 a.m. Friday September 23, 2011 in America/Los_Angeles
  • 02:00:00 p.m. Friday September 23, 2011 in Canada/Eastern
  • 19:00:00 Friday September 23, 2011 in UTC

Last meeting's minutes: 2011-07-08


Prior to the meeting

  • Please fill out Who's who if you want to be identified more readily in the future

Agenda & Minutes

  1. Introductions / roll call; paste "/me is <name> <affiliation>" to identify who you are and what organization, if any, you represent
  2. Find a volunteers to:
    1. Run the meeting: Ben Shum
    2. Take minutes: Anoop Atre
  3. Review action items from last meeting
  4. New Business:
    1. From the mailing list thread - discuss who and what for community test servers (note: especially SIP server request)
      • This was discussed quite a bit and ended with the following suggestions:
        1. mrpeters-isl will be maintaining master demo server while brian_f will maintain a current stable release demo server and EC2 image.
        2. Weekly (or twice a week) refresh of data, clearly stated on demo server page. mrpeters-isl provided a rudimentary script to auto refresh the data
        3. Provide a list of cronjobs/services (targeting scripts, reporter, etc) that are running on the demo servers and try to have all of them running the same set.
        4. The sample data provided by mrpeters-isl will be used on all demos/images so there we will have some consistency across servers.
        5. Standardize as a location for all demos and on versions that can do remote client updates use That way, everyone always knows where to look on each demo server for the version specific staff client.
      • ACTION: moodaepo will send an email to the lists with the summary from this discussion for further discussion/input and also for folks who weren't at the meeting so they know where things are headed.
  5. Communications committee & Website Team report and discussion [Report by: June, Amy, & Lori]
    • June: We have posted a list of To-Do recommendations that came out of the work of the Web Team. This represents items that could be tackled without a complete overhaul of the website. There are still lots of opportunities to participate! Working out a way to effectively share this workload and how to evaluate the benefits of moving to a different platform (or not).
    • Lori: One of the areas of development the Web Team recognizes is the need to gather info about about Evergreen enhancement ideas and desires into one place so that the community can bounce ideas around and help percolate the most popular ideas to the top and partnerships could be formed to bring those ideas to fruition. The concept is not to replace any of the functionality of Launchpad but to act as more of a feeder into Launchpad. Once the ideas are "percolated," someone would get it into Launchpad. Toward that end, Web Team members have been talking with Ben Hyman and Kevin Reed of Sitka about their use of IdeaTorrent. Ben and Kevin set up an instance of IdeaTorrent for the EG community to play around with. See EvergreenIdeas. The Web Team will be playing around with it and then meeting with Kevin and Ben on September 25th at 1pm EST/10am PST to discuss our experiences. If anyone else would like to try it out or attend the 9/29 call, please let us know (Ben, Kevin, Amy, June, Kathy, Jenny, John Boggs, Lori, Anoop, or anyone else I've missed who's on the Web Team).
    • Amy: Based on suggestions put forth by June Rayner, the web team has adopted the following approach to moving forward with the Evergreen website:
      1. Technical / Platform changes. Based on the recommendations that we have put forth, what resources are required to do this? Team to investigate various software tools, like IdeaTorrent.
      2. Ongoing maintenance. Have individuals "adopt a page" for ongoing maintenance, with the overall plan and guidelines in mind. Look for additional volunteers on the lists.
      3. New Content. If we've identified new content that we want to add to the site, have a "content wanted" page and ask people if they have existing content that could be adapted or if they would work on creating the new content.
      4. Major site overhauls. Possibly use an Evergreen website hackfest at the next Evergreen conference to accomplish this.
  6. Conference committee [Report by: Chris Sharp & Ben Shum on behalf of Shauna]
    • The conference committee is in the process of reviewing the survey results and will be working on conference submissions and tracks soon. The 2013 site selection committee will announce its selection very soon just got a couple of details to nail down about the venue and how funding will work now that the SFC is involved.
  7. Documentation Interest Group [Report by: June Rayner]
    • DIG is looking for priorities for documentation development so please email DIG if you have any thoughts. They also have new documentation added for reporter data sources.
  8. Reports Taskforce report
    • They postponed their last meeting so there wasn't much to report. They will probably look through the reporter data sources documentation DIG recently completed. Here are the minutes from the last meeting they convened.
  9. Developer report [report by: dbs]
    • 2.1.0 will be released the week of the 26th, if all goes well.
    • ACTION: phasefx will send out an email regarding end of life for 2.0/1.6, modifying support statement to say "normally two major releases, with a minimum life of 18 months" or similar, designating 2.2 as the first LTS release, et cetera.
  10. Governance committee report [Report by: Amy]
    • The Evergreen Oversight Board met on July 19th and August 16th. This is a brief summary of these two meetings, as well as a conference planning phone call on September 23rd between members of the Board and Bradley Kuhn of the Software Freedom Conservancy. Transfer of funds to the Software Freedom Conservancy: the Board is working with Bradley Kuhn of the SFC to transfer funds from the 2009, 2010, and 2011 conferences. So far it is estimated that $4,309 has been transferred. This includes revenue from the 2009 and 2010 conferences. With the transfer of funds from the 2011 conference, it is estimated that $14,000 will be on account.
    • The Board is also looking to transfer the Evergreen domains to the SFC.
    • The Board will also be drafting some guidelines and looking for community feedback on the following communication issues: how do you propose ideas and get feedback from the community; how to bring a problem to the community's attention; how to resolve issues and when to involve the Board; what to post on the general list vs. the dev list vs the IRC channel; how to start up a new working group; How/where to report a bug
    • Board elections: the Board plans to work on the details of electing new Board members at its next meeting. This needs to be in place in time for the next Evergreen conference.
    • ACTION: Amy will send an email to the Web team so they can keep track of the fact that she took over maintaining the Board minutes from dbs.
  11. Schedule next meeting: Friday, November 4th at 12:00 EST, 9:00 PST.
community/meetings/2011-09-23.1317077483.txt.gz · Last modified: 2022/02/10 13:34 (external edit)

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