Table of Contents
Reports Taskforce Meeting - Aug. 10, 2011
Present: Jenny Turner (PALS), Cristina Trotter (Laurens Co. Library, GA/PINES), Ben Shum (Bibliomation), Jason Etheridge (ESI), Garry Collum (Kenton Co. Public Library), Jeff Godin (Traverse Area Library), Wolf Halton (Lyrasis)
I. Introductions/Volunteer for Minutes
Jenny volunteered to compile notes from the IRC Chat Logs.
II. Review/Approval of July Minutes
The July Minutes were reviewed and approved.
III. Old Business/Updates
1. Report RFP from Georgia Pines: the official bid award notification has been posted, but otherwise there was nothing new to share at this time.
2. Documentation
- SITKA has submitted great training videos.
- The Reports Wish List wiki space is a place we can use to brainstorm ideas for reports-related development, either functional or documentation-related.
- The Documentation Wiki: http://open-ils.org/dokuwiki/doku.php can be used to link to institution-specific materials that are too customized to add to the official DIG documentation, but might still be helpful to other Evergreen Libraries. Cristina will link her instructions for reports (http://ocrl.org/chtrotter/reports/) to this space. Jason clarified that items that are converted to the Wiki are supposed to be licensed under CC-BY-SA, but linking is less regulated.
- It was suggested that EINetwork might have information/documentation about adding sources to reports. Jenny will ask if they have anything to contribute either to the DIG documentation or to the wiki space.
- The Activities and Goals drafted by Amy Terlaga were approved, provided we make specific mention that the group works at "fostering training opportunities." The addition has been made.
- Ben has updated his notes on the wiki about automated SQL report scripting.
IV. New Business
- The reports group would like to sponsor a pre- or post-conference training for SQL reports in Evergreen. Jenny and Ben are on the Program Planning Committee and will bring this suggestion to them. This training would be based on that provided to Bibliomation by Dan Scott (documented here and here) and could possibly include a morning session on SQL structure for anyone with an afternoon for people who have SQL access to the Evergreen database.
- An update from Jeff on his jasperreports was missing from the original agenda. After the meeting Jeff shared that he hopes to have a public demo up soon.
Next meeting: September 14, 2011 on the IRC.
evergreen-reports/meetings/2011-08-10.txt · Last modified: 2022/02/10 13:34 by