Table of Contents
Core Committers
Evergreen has a "core team" of experienced developers who work within the community and vet patches from other developers and each other (see: How to participate in development). Core committers have additional responsibilities. Some of these people work for commercial companies, some work directly for libraries, and some are simply volunteers. This team has write access to the official(*) Git repository containing the Evergreen source code and its history, yet others are able to clone and maintain their own branches of the software. For software to be open source software, anyone with the code must be allowed to use, modify, and distribute it, but that does not mean its users are subject to the whim of others. Ultimately, it is the community as a whole that determines what Evergreen is, what goes into it, and who the committers are.
The list of active committers with Git user name and current affiliation. "Active" is defined as committing code within the last six months (last updated 2024-02-20):
Name | Git user name | Email address | Affiliation |
Jason Boyer | JBoyer | | Equinox Open Library Initiative |
Galen Charlton | gmcharlt | | Equinox Open Library Initiative |
Garry Collum | gcollum | | Kenton County Public Library |
Jeff Davis | jeffdavis | | BC Libraries Co-op |
Bill Erickson | berick | | King County Library System |
Jason Etheridge | phasefx | | Equinox Open Library Initiative |
Jeff Godin | jeff | | Traverse Area District Library |
Blake Graham-Henderson | Bmagic | | MOBIUS |
Stephanie Leary | sleary | | Equinox Open Library Initiative |
Terran McCanna | terranm | | Georgia Public Library Service |
Michele Morgan | mmorgan | | NOBLE |
Mike Rylander | miker | | Equinox Open Library Initiative |
Chris Sharp | csharp | | Georgia Public Library Service |
Jane Sandberg | sandbergja | | Independent / Princeton University Library |
Jason Stephenson | dyrcona | | Independent / CWMARS / Merrimack Valley Library Consortium |
Josh Stompro | Stomproj | | Lake Agassiz Regional Library |
Inactive committers, with Git user name. "Inactive" is defined as having last committed a patch over six months ago:
Name | Git user name | |
Joe Atzberger | atz | |
Thomas Berezansky | tsbere | |
Shawn Boyette | sboyette | Unknown |
David Fiander | djfiander | Unknown |
Lebbeous Fogle-Weekley | senator | Unknown |
Kathy Lussier | kmlussier | |
Laura McFarland | lmcfarland | Unknown |
Scott McKellar | scottmk | |
Karen Schneider | kgs | Unknown |
Dan Scott | dbs | |
Ben Shum | bshum | |
Cesar Velez | cesardv | Unknown |
Dan Wells | dbwells | |
* A note on the word "official": Evergreen is currently trademarked by The Evergreen Project, which controls the name "Evergreen". The copyrights are spread amongst many people and organizations. Because the software is open source, it may be "forked" by others as long as they do not use the trademark without permission.
Evergreen and OpenSRF patchers
The following individuals have contributed at least one patch to Evergreen and/or OpenSRF. Patches include bug fixes, new functionality, and translations.
- MaryAnn Alexander
- Nawras Ali
- Scott Angel
- Anoop Atre
- Joe Atzberger
- Zavier Banks
- Katlyn Beck
- a. bellenir
- Thomas Berezansky
- Kevin Beswick
- Graham Billiau
- Bradley Bonner
- Adam Bowling
- Jason Boyer
- Shawn Boyette
- Dan Briem
- Mark Bucholtz
- Chris Burton
- David Busby
- Steve Callender
- Jared Camins-Esakov
- Laura Cassell
- Alex Cautley
- Steven Chan
- Galen Charlton
- Sarah Chodrow
- David Christensen
- Julian Clementson
- Karen Collier
- Garry Collum
- Mark Cooper
- John Craig
- Jeff Davis
- Ruth Davis
- Lee Dickens
- Martha Driscoll
- Bill Erickson
- Jason Etheridge
- David Fiander
- Joscha Filius
- Lebbeous Fogle-Weekley
- James Fournie
- Jeff Godin
- Rogan Hamby
- Blake Henderson
- Justin Hopkins
- Billy Horn
- Skye Howard
- Kyle Huckins
- Robin Isard
- Aaron S. Joyner
- Pasi Kallinen
- Jim Keenan
- Brian Kennedy
- Codey Kolasinski
- Bradley M. Kunh
- Jakub Kotrla
- Doug Kyle
- Warren Layton
- Stephanie Leary
- Melissa Lefebvre
- Owen Leonard
- Joseph Lewis
- Victoria Lewis
- Clayton Liddell
- Shula Link
- Jake Litrell
- Tiffany Little
- Jeanette Lundgren
- Kathy Lussier
- Peter Lux
- Simon Hieu Mai
- Llewellyn Marshall
- Steven Mayo
- Terran McCanna
- Don McMorris
- Scott McKellar
- John Merriam
- Gina Monti
- Christine Morgan
- Michele Morgan
- Dmitry Nechai
- Andrea Buntz Neiman
- Alexander O'Neill
- Bee Ostrowsky
- Bill Ott
- Fredrick Parks
- Suzanne Paterno
- Dan Pearl
- Michael Peters
- Scott Prater
- Art Rhyno
- Craig Ricciuto
- Mike Risher
- Daniel Rizea
- Mike Rylander
- Geoff Sams
- Yitzchak Schaffer
- Jonathan Schatz
- Karen Schneider
- Dan Scott
- Rick Scott
- Srey Seng
- Chris Sharp
- Benjamin Shum
- Remington Steed
- Jason Stephenson
- Josh Stompro
- Yamil Suarez
- Ed Summers
- Kyle Tomita
- Brandon Uhlman
- Jeroen van Meeuwen
- Lucien van Wouw
- Cesar Velez
- Elliot Voris
- Ben Webb
- Dan Wells
- Liam Whalen
- Bob Wicksall
- Adam Woolford
- Jessica Woolford
- John Yorio
- Tigran Zargaryan
Note: this list was compiled from the commit logs on the trunk branches of Evergreen and OpenSRF, so any patches that were made to one of the version branches (e.g., rel_1_4) but not forward ported for some reason are not included. If you contributed a patch that was committed to Evergreen and your name was not listed, feel free to edit this page.
Documentation contributors
The Documentation Interest Group roster lists the contributors to the official Evergreen documentation effort.
In addition, there are many contributors to the Evergreen wiki, for which we unfortunately don't have a good way of automatically generating a listing.