Developer meeting: November 2010
To be held at:
- 08:00:00 a.m. Tuesday November 2, 2010 in America/Los_Angeles
- 11:00:00 a.m. Tuesday November 2, 2010 in Canada/Eastern
- 03:00:00 p.m. Tuesday November 2, 2010 in UTC
Last meeting: 2010-10
Times are rough guides to the expected amount of time to be spent on each agenda item.
Each item other than "introductions" should have a designated lead. Feel free to put your name down beside an item if you know the topic and can lead a coherent discussion on it!
- (* min) Introductions (nick/name/affiliation) - fill out Who's who if you want to be identified more readily in the future
- (* min) Review Action Items from previous meeting
- Deprecation of circulation scripts in favour of in-database circulation - was to be moved to the mailing list
- Commit MVLC hard-due-date patch to 1.6, 2.0, trunk
- Killing off maintenance for 1.6.0 when 1.6.2 is released, with discussion about whether 1.6.2 and 1.6.1 should co-exist (and if so, for how long) - was to be moved to the mailing list
- (* min) KCLS code integration status - Just checking on whether all the KCLS mods & scripts are in trunk/2.0 and also getting the skin development over to Contrib since a few folks are eager to try it out.
- (* min) 2.0 beta? List of bugs targeted to the beta1 release
- (* min) OpenSRF next major release:
- Perl refactoring
- name = 2.0? Release when?
- (* min) Schedule next meeting
* - times to be determined by IRC meeting leader
dev/meetings/2010-11.txt · Last modified: 2022/02/10 13:34 by