Table of Contents
Developer meeting: May 24, 2011
Meeting takes place on IRC on the #evergreen channel on Freenode. See the Calendar for specific dates and times.
Held at
- 09:00:00 a.m. Tuesday May 24, 2011 in America/Los_Angeles
- 12:00:00 p.m. Tuesday May 24, 2011 in Canada/Eastern
- 16:00:00 Tuesday May 24, 2011 in UTC
Last meeting: 2011-04-30
Logs and minutes
- Minutes will be supplied in this document after the meeting finishes.
Prior to the meeting
- Please fill out Who's who if you want to be identified more readily in the future
- Determine the taker of minutes: bshum (Ben Shum)
- Determine meeting leader: dbs (Dan Scott)
- Review action items
- Kudos to gmcharlt (Galen Charlton) and tsbere (Thomas Berenzensky) for the big conversion from subversion to git.
- gmcharlt reports the next big task (other than getting more comfortable with git) is to finish porting ILS-Contrib over to the git repo.
- dbs expressed concerns about not being able to import multiple branches from a single git repo; that has implications for bug tracking and translations
- eeevil (Mike Rylander) is working on the process of cutting releases from git and asked for suggestions from other git-masters.
- ACTION ITEM: eeevil to post release process using git somewhere
- ACTION ITEM: gmcharlt to write up some ideas on improving git use and releases
- ACTION ITEM: gmcharlt / tsbere to convert Syrup ILS-contrib to git
- Reminder for artunit (Art Rhyno) and gfawcett to send pubkeys to
- Git processes:
- How do we go about getting topic branches reviewed before committing them to a main branch? For example, I opened LP 787295 but as it doesn't have a patch, it won't show up in the current "patch review queue" canned LP searches that we have. Perhaps adopt a standard tag like
that we can then build another canned search against?
- ACTION ITEM: dbs to put "pullrequest" tagging in "contributing" evergreen wiki documentation
- Do we want to consider requiring reviewer sign-off before committing to a main branch? It doesn't slow down development, as you can continue to commit to topic branches, and should improve the quality of the main branches.
- Notes:
- Consider requiring reviewer sign-off before committing to a main branch. dbs suggests that everyone including committers get a two signed-off-by lines (minimum) for any commit that goes into the main branch.
- Baby step: "a committer must sign-off on contributions from non-committers"
- Set date to review this requirement: , dbs suggests "3 months", gmcharlt suggests by 12/31/2011.
- It is agreed that the community "recommendation" will be for committers to seek sign-off by others before committing to main branch.
- OpenLibrary: Dan Scott met with the OpenLibrary development team for a very positive day in May. Topics discussed included:
- rate-limiting of cover images by ISBN (limit has been removed)
- design of a Read API; throw multiple identifiers at OpenLibrary and get back JSON responses including everything OpenLibrary knows about matches to those identifiers, including all electronic versions available to your IP address range (including DAISY and borrowable ebooks). Dan plans to implement this new API as a proof of concept in Conifer in the next week or two
- longer term integration plans, including the ability to write to OpenLibrary (table of contents, excerpts, cover art) from Evergreen
- Notice: Conifer is holding TT OPAC development days @ University of Windsor, June 27-29th. If you hack on the TT OPAC and want to join us, get in touch with Dan Scott.
Patch review queue
We don't want to let submitted patches rot, here's a list of bugs with attached patches
Evergreen release statuses
Next meeting
- On calendar for Tuesday, June 7th at 12:00 EST, 9:00 PST.
dev/meetings/2011-05-24.txt · Last modified: 2022/02/10 13:34 by